Bopak III is a planet in the space of the galaxy's Gamma Quadrant, the class M third planet in orbit of the Bopak star system. In the year 2369, a Dominion ship crash-landed on Bopak. After running out of ketracel white the only survivor remaining a month after the crash was Goran'agar, who unknown to himself had a mutation which allowed him to survive without the enzyme. In 2376, Bashir's experience with Goran'agar on Bopek was a key case study when Ezri Dax was trying to understand the motivations of the Jem'Hadar Kitana'klan. (DS9 - Avatar novel: Avatar, Book Two)
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- Bopak III
- Bopak III
| - In 2369 stortte er een Dominion schip op Bopak III neer. De Jem'Hadar Goran'Agar was de enige overlevende en werd pas 35 dagen later gered. Goran'Agar dacht dat er iets genezends in het ecosysteem van de planeet zat, omdat hij hier van zijn verslaving aan het ketracel-wit af wist te komen.
- Bopak III is a planet in the space of the galaxy's Gamma Quadrant, the class M third planet in orbit of the Bopak star system. In the year 2369, a Dominion ship crash-landed on Bopak. After running out of ketracel white the only survivor remaining a month after the crash was Goran'agar, who unknown to himself had a mutation which allowed him to survive without the enzyme. In 2376, Bashir's experience with Goran'agar on Bopek was a key case study when Ezri Dax was trying to understand the motivations of the Jem'Hadar Kitana'klan. (DS9 - Avatar novel: Avatar, Book Two)
- Bopak III ist ein Planet im Gamma-Quadranten. Er umkreist einen Stern vom Typ Roter Riese. 2372 stranden Dr. Bashir und Chief O'Brien durch eine Bruchlandung auf Bopak III. Sie werden von einer Gruppe von Jem'Hadar gefangen genommen und der Doktor wird dazu gezwungen einen Weg zu finden, die Abhängigkeit der Jem'Hadar vom Ketracel-White zu beenden. Später gelingt beiden die Flucht von dem Planeten. (DS9: ) Zwei Jahre später wirft Sloan Bashir auf Grund des Vorfalles auf Bopak III Sympathie für das Dominion vor. (DS9: )
- Bopak III was the uninhabited third planet in the Bopak system within the Gamma Quadrant. This planet was located six weeks away from the closest Dominion outpost and was well-off the established trade routes in the quadrant. The planet housed a jungle and was the homeworld for plants that possessed unusually high concentrations of chlorophyll for a planet orbiting a red giant. In a Section 31 holodeck program, Luther Sloan questioned Julian Bashir on the events that had taken place on Bopak III. (DS9: "Inquisition")
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| - De USS Rubicon boven planeet Bopak III
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| - Bopak III ist ein Planet im Gamma-Quadranten. Er umkreist einen Stern vom Typ Roter Riese. 2372 stranden Dr. Bashir und Chief O'Brien durch eine Bruchlandung auf Bopak III. Sie werden von einer Gruppe von Jem'Hadar gefangen genommen und der Doktor wird dazu gezwungen einen Weg zu finden, die Abhängigkeit der Jem'Hadar vom Ketracel-White zu beenden. Später gelingt beiden die Flucht von dem Planeten. (DS9: ) Zwei Jahre später wirft Sloan Bashir auf Grund des Vorfalles auf Bopak III Sympathie für das Dominion vor. (DS9: ) Der Name dieses Planeten lässt vermuten, dass er der Planet eines Planetensystems mit der Bezeichnung „-System“ ist. Die Existenz dieses dazugehörigen Planetensystems lässt sich nicht durch Canon-Quellen belegen, ergibt sich allerdings aus der fiktiven Benennungskonvention, einen Planeten ohne speziellen Eigennamen nach dem dazugehörigen Zentralgestirn zu benennen. Kategorie:Planet
- Bopak III was the uninhabited third planet in the Bopak system within the Gamma Quadrant. This planet was located six weeks away from the closest Dominion outpost and was well-off the established trade routes in the quadrant. The planet housed a jungle and was the homeworld for plants that possessed unusually high concentrations of chlorophyll for a planet orbiting a red giant. In 2369, a Dominion ship crash landed on Bopak III. The Jem'Hadar Goran'Agar was the only survivor, who was rescued after thirty-five days. Goran'Agar believed that something in the ecosystem of Bopak III had cured him of his addiction to ketracel-white, and three years later, he brought the rest of his unit to the planet to be cured as well. Their ship was detected by a runabout piloted by Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir, who were captured after landing. Bashir determined that Bopak III was not responsible for curing Goran'Agar. With their supply of white nearly gone, Goran'Agar released the two Starfleet officers and remained on the planet to kill the rest of his unit, rather than letting them die slowly from lack of white. (DS9: "Hippocratic Oath") In a Section 31 holodeck program, Luther Sloan questioned Julian Bashir on the events that had taken place on Bopak III. (DS9: "Inquisition")
- Bopak III is a planet in the space of the galaxy's Gamma Quadrant, the class M third planet in orbit of the Bopak star system. In the year 2369, a Dominion ship crash-landed on Bopak. After running out of ketracel white the only survivor remaining a month after the crash was Goran'agar, who unknown to himself had a mutation which allowed him to survive without the enzyme. In 2372, Goran'agar and a small group of Jem'Hadar returned to Bopak, Goran'agar convinced something on the planet had allowed him to be freed from white addiction. The planet was also visited by Miles O'Brien and Julian Bashir in a runabout, who were promptly captured by the Jem'Hadar. In their time there Bashir discovered the true reason for Goran'agar's freedom from the white. (DS9 episode: "Hippocratic Oath", DS9 - Prophecy and Change short story: "Broken Oaths") In 2376, Bashir's experience with Goran'agar on Bopek was a key case study when Ezri Dax was trying to understand the motivations of the Jem'Hadar Kitana'klan. (DS9 - Avatar novel: Avatar, Book Two)
- In 2369 stortte er een Dominion schip op Bopak III neer. De Jem'Hadar Goran'Agar was de enige overlevende en werd pas 35 dagen later gered. Goran'Agar dacht dat er iets genezends in het ecosysteem van de planeet zat, omdat hij hier van zijn verslaving aan het ketracel-wit af wist te komen. Hij bracht drie jaar later een groep Jem'Hadar naar de planeet om deze te kunnen genezen. Het schip werd ontdekt door de runabout USS Rubicon met daarin Julian Bashir en Miles O'Brien. De twee werden kort na hun landing gevangen genomen door de Jem'Hadar. Bashir kreeg de taak van Goran'Agar om uit te zoeken waarom hij genezen was van het wit. Bashir kwam echter tot de conclusie dat Bopak III hier niets mee te maken had. De aanwezige voorraad wit raakte langzaamaan op, waardoor de andere Jem'Hadar steeds meer begonnen te lijden onder het gebrek. Goran'Agar besloot daarom om Bashir en O'Brien vrij te laten en zijn eenheid te doden, zodat ze een snelle dood zouden hebben. Ze zouden anders langzaam en pijnlijk dood gaan door het gebrek aan wit. (DS9: "Hippocratic Oath")
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