Released in 2013, this Toys 'R' Us exclusive series is based upon the live action films series, the Adventure Team, and A Real American Hero franchises. In addition to sets, five waves of "blind" bags were released. Each bag contained a single G.I. Joe or Cobra Kre-O figure called a Kreon, and you won't know which one until you open the bag. Each wave consisted of 12 different figures.
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| - En 2012, Hasbro annonce qu'ils créeront des jouets "action-figures" basés sur "Star Trek Into Darkness", et également d'autres petits jouets. Des premières images sont révélées et nous présentent Kirk, Spock et Sulu, ainsi que l'USS Enterprise. Mais également une video fut publiée reprenant le 1er teaser de "Star Trek (film 2009)" de 2009 ; l'on peut y voir des "Kreons" construire l'USS Enterprise version nouvelle chronologie. En février 2013, les Kreons Star Trek sont disponibles à la vente. Voir aussi: Star Trek starship miniatures, Star Trek model kits
- Released in 2013, this Toys 'R' Us exclusive series is based upon the live action films series, the Adventure Team, and A Real American Hero franchises. In addition to sets, five waves of "blind" bags were released. Each bag contained a single G.I. Joe or Cobra Kre-O figure called a Kreon, and you won't know which one until you open the bag. Each wave consisted of 12 different figures.
- Kre-O is a toy producer licensed to create Star Trek collectibles, including products such as the alternate reality USS Enterprise and bird-of-prey.
- Preliminary images depicted "Kreons" (the Kre-O equivalent of "Lego People") of Kirk, Spock, and Sulu. A Kre-O USS Enterprise set with a flip-up saucer section revealing the ship's bridge was also previewed. [1][2] A promotional video showing a parodic re-enactment of the teaser trailer from Star Trek was premiered in 2012. In the video, a Kre-O USS Enterprise (alternate reality) was seen being constructed at the Riverside Shipyard by Kreon workers.[3] A number of Kre-O products were premiered at Toy Fair in New York City on 10 February 2013 and the line first reached retail in May 2013.
- Kre-O is a new LEGO style toy-line released by Hasbro. It is similar to Built to Rule, which is release during the time of Armada and Energon. The sets come in various sizes, and each set comes with a little Kreons. These little figures are LEGO-like in appearance and most of them are based on Generation 1 characters. They also come with human figures as well. They can fit inside the main figure in vehicle mode. The sets can be built into robot mode, but can't transform — unless disassemble it to reassemble it into vehicle mode.
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| - En 2012, Hasbro annonce qu'ils créeront des jouets "action-figures" basés sur "Star Trek Into Darkness", et également d'autres petits jouets. Des premières images sont révélées et nous présentent Kirk, Spock et Sulu, ainsi que l'USS Enterprise. Mais également une video fut publiée reprenant le 1er teaser de "Star Trek (film 2009)" de 2009 ; l'on peut y voir des "Kreons" construire l'USS Enterprise version nouvelle chronologie. En février 2013, les Kreons Star Trek sont disponibles à la vente. Voir aussi: Star Trek starship miniatures, Star Trek model kits
- Released in 2013, this Toys 'R' Us exclusive series is based upon the live action films series, the Adventure Team, and A Real American Hero franchises. In addition to sets, five waves of "blind" bags were released. Each bag contained a single G.I. Joe or Cobra Kre-O figure called a Kreon, and you won't know which one until you open the bag. Each wave consisted of 12 different figures.
- Kre-O is a new LEGO style toy-line released by Hasbro. It is similar to Built to Rule, which is release during the time of Armada and Energon. The sets come in various sizes, and each set comes with a little Kreons. These little figures are LEGO-like in appearance and most of them are based on Generation 1 characters. They also come with human figures as well. They can fit inside the main figure in vehicle mode. The sets can be built into robot mode, but can't transform — unless disassemble it to reassemble it into vehicle mode. Also, despite being made entirely of bricks, the Kre-O figures are extremely stable and maneuverable in robot mode. Some poses that aren't possible on the regular figures are possible on the Kre-Os. This is because they don't transform, allowing the designers to add more moving joints for extra posability.
- Preliminary images depicted "Kreons" (the Kre-O equivalent of "Lego People") of Kirk, Spock, and Sulu. A Kre-O USS Enterprise set with a flip-up saucer section revealing the ship's bridge was also previewed. [1][2] A promotional video showing a parodic re-enactment of the teaser trailer from Star Trek was premiered in 2012. In the video, a Kre-O USS Enterprise (alternate reality) was seen being constructed at the Riverside Shipyard by Kreon workers.[3] On 7 May 2013, Hasbro released a short promotional video for Star Trek Kre-O which was co-produced by Bad Robot Productions with visual effects provided by Kelvin Optical. This short spoof saw the USS Enterprise (alternate reality) being dragged through a black hole into the Kre-O universe where the crew came under attack from a giant starship captained by "Green Spiky Head".[4] A later short had the Kre-O versions of Kirk and Spock (alternate reality) sit in a school's detention facility with other characters from the Kre-O line. [5] A number of Kre-O products were premiered at Toy Fair in New York City on 10 February 2013 and the line first reached retail in May 2013. The Kre-O Micro Build USS Enterprise from the Original Series was distributed by Hasbro at 2013's San Diego Comic-Con International and by videogame retailer GameStop with pre-orders of the Star Trek video game. During Into Darkness' volcano sequence on Nibiru, Shuttle 1 (as indicated by dialog) was represented by the CGI model for Shuttle 7. Interior displays in Shuttle 1 indicating "04NCC" may have been why labels included in the "Spock's Volcano Mission" Kre-O set identify the shuttle as Shuttle 4 and do not reference the name Warrant. Later in the film, the designation "Klingon Bird-of-Prey" was not explicitly used and the design was instead referred to as "D4-class" in dialogue.
- Kre-O is a toy producer licensed to create Star Trek collectibles, including products such as the alternate reality USS Enterprise and bird-of-prey.