The fire hand is an enemy found in volcanic areas of Knightmare. They are simply a hand made out of fire. They appear in cracks in the volcano and when a player comes near they will try to hit the player and burn them. A very interesting fact about them is that any type of water will instantly kill them. So throwing a cup of water will kill them. The fire hand is totally immune to fire attacks and the burnt ailment. It is possible to kill them without using water but the water method is easy to do.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The fire hand is an enemy found in volcanic areas of Knightmare. They are simply a hand made out of fire. They appear in cracks in the volcano and when a player comes near they will try to hit the player and burn them. A very interesting fact about them is that any type of water will instantly kill them. So throwing a cup of water will kill them. The fire hand is totally immune to fire attacks and the burnt ailment. It is possible to kill them without using water but the water method is easy to do.
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es lore
| - Cuando esta carta en tu posesión es destruida por una carta de tu adversario y mandada a tu Cementerio: puedes seleccionar 1 monstruo que controle tu adversario; destruye ese objetivo, y después puedes Invocar de Modo Especial, desde tu Deck, 1 "Mano de Hielo".
Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - ①:このカードが相手によって破壊され墓地へ送られた時、相手フィールドのモンスター1体を対象として発動できる。その相手モンスターを破壊する。その後、デッキから「アイス・ハンド」1体を特殊召喚できる。
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it lore
| - Quando questa carta sotto il tuo comando viene distrutta da una carta del tuo avversario e mandata al tuo Cimitero: puoi scegliere come bersaglio 1 mostro che controlla; distruggi quel bersaglio, poi puoi Evocare Specialmente 1 "Mano di Ghiaccio" dal tuo Deck.
pt name
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| - When this card in your possession is destroyed by your opponent's card and sent to your Graveyard: You can target 1 monster they control; destroy that target, then you can Special Summon 1 "Ice Hand" from your Deck.
pt lore
| - Quando este card em sua posse for destruído por um card do seu oponente e enviado para o seu Cemitério: você pode escolher 1 monstro que seu oponente controla; destrua o alvo e, depois, você pode Invocar por Invocação-Especial 1 "Mão de Gelo" do seu Deck.
it name
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| - Destroys your opponent's Monster Cards
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ko lore
| - ①: 이 카드가 상대에 의해서 파괴되어 묘지로 보내졌을 때, 상대 필드의 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 그 상대 몬스터를 파괴한다. 그 후, 덱에서 "아이스 핸드" 1장을 특수 소환할 수 있다.
de lore
| - Wenn diese Karte, die dir gehört, durch eine Karte deines Gegners zerstört und auf deinen Friedhof gelegt wird: Du kannst 1 Monster wählen, das er kontrolliert; zersört das gewählte Ziel, dann kannst du 1 „Eishand‟ als Spezialbeschwörung von deinem Deck beschwören.
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fr lore
| - Lorsque cette carte en votre possession est détruite par une carte de votre adversaire et envoyée à votre Cimetière : vous pouvez cibler 1 monstre qu'il contrôle ; détruisez la cible, puis vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 "Main de Glace" depuis votre Deck.
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| - Special Summons from your Deck
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Ja Name
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| - Activates from your Graveyard
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| - The fire hand is an enemy found in volcanic areas of Knightmare. They are simply a hand made out of fire. They appear in cracks in the volcano and when a player comes near they will try to hit the player and burn them. A very interesting fact about them is that any type of water will instantly kill them. So throwing a cup of water will kill them. The fire hand is totally immune to fire attacks and the burnt ailment. It is possible to kill them without using water but the water method is easy to do.