| - Tails is on his way to Kintobor's Laboratory for a secret meeting when he is set upon by aerial Badniks. Without a second thought, the robots chase Tails and are much faster than him. However, they are much less agile and, after following Tails into the forest, many of them crash into the trees. A few survive, however, and chase Tails into a cave. In the dark, the robots are unable to see Tails but the fox is able to see in the blackness, trashing the remaining foes. Tails exits the cave on a high, unaware that one Badnik has survived and has fired a missile at him. The blast sends Tails reeling and is about to receive a much deadlier one...
| - Tails is on his way to Kintobor's Laboratory for a secret meeting when he is set upon by aerial Badniks. Without a second thought, the robots chase Tails and are much faster than him. However, they are much less agile and, after following Tails into the forest, many of them crash into the trees. A few survive, however, and chase Tails into a cave. In the dark, the robots are unable to see Tails but the fox is able to see in the blackness, trashing the remaining foes. Tails exits the cave on a high, unaware that one Badnik has survived and has fired a missile at him. The blast sends Tails reeling and is about to receive a much deadlier one... Fortunately, Sonic the Hedgehog arrives with a Spin Attack to trash the Badnik. With Tails being late for the meeting, Sonic came looking for him, but isn't impressed that Tails couldn't beat one Badnik. Tails tries to tell Sonic about what happened, but he's not buying it.