| - DRADIS can be used in stationary configurations as well on ships. Carbon composites are largely invisible to DRADIS scans. A DRADIS contact is an object or objects detected by DRADIS. Contacts are typically identified by cross-referencing with an IFF system (in the case of ships) or an astronomical database (in the instance of planets or other celestial bodies). The symbols used on Colonial DRADIS displays for the representation of battlestars, Raptors, and Vipers are visible in the picture to the right. DRADIS is also used to report radiological alarms. DRADIS is likely a central component of the navigation computer on Colonial ships such as battlestars, as they do not navigate in sublight mode by visual means. The DRADIS can be blinded by external sources of electromagnetic radiation such as artificial radiation by EMP generators, nuclear detonations, pulsars, star clusters and binary stars, or other phenomenona such as the nebulae.
- Analogous in function to Radar DRADIS is equipped and used on nearly all ships (including civilan) within the fleet.
- The system is used for detecting and scanning vessels and other objects in a 4-dimensional space. Although the terms "range" and "distance" are synonymous in meaning, they indicate different factors of 3-dimensional tracking. One term is used to describe a target's horizontal position along the planar X and Y coordinates relative to the centerline of tracking vessel. The other represents the target's vertical position, or elevation, relative to the tracking ship centerline. Although the DRADIS appears multi-functional with the ability to scan for water and radiation signatures, the technology is generally used within the show as the primary means of detecting other vessels and spatial bodies, for example a Cylon Basestar or the planet Kobol. The season two episode "Flight of the Phoenix" reveals that carbon composites are not detected by DRADIS systems.