| - In 3148 BC, the first being ever to land on earth, Rasuul (Arabic: 'Messenger' رسول) supposedly came to the pharaoh Menes one night and prophecized that he would become a 'leader of a boundless empire' and that from sacrifice would come reward from the creator god Amun. Somewhat argued between accounts, Rasuul then showed Menes the future with a hologram-like device where he saw the counstruction of the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, and the Thirtieth Dynasty falling to the Persians in 343 BC. Before departing, Rasuul told him "they must match the stars". And so, Menes helped spread what essentially were the words of Rasuul, the words that became the religion of Ancient Egypt.
| - In 3148 BC, the first being ever to land on earth, Rasuul (Arabic: 'Messenger' رسول) supposedly came to the pharaoh Menes one night and prophecized that he would become a 'leader of a boundless empire' and that from sacrifice would come reward from the creator god Amun. Somewhat argued between accounts, Rasuul then showed Menes the future with a hologram-like device where he saw the counstruction of the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, and the Thirtieth Dynasty falling to the Persians in 343 BC. Before departing, Rasuul told him "they must match the stars". And so, Menes helped spread what essentially were the words of Rasuul, the words that became the religion of Ancient Egypt. Over a hundred years later, the Pyramids and the Sphinx were constructed in co-ordinance with Orion's Belt and the constellation Leo. And afterwards, the beings once again returned after the suicide of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC, first appearing before members of the Beni Sakhr bedouin tribe traveling to Cairo. The tribesmen set up camp, and the beings offered to give the tribesmen a ride to Cairo. They agreed, and climbed aboard the spaceship which took off into the night. This would be the first of many disappearances of tribesmen.