| - The prefix code is a code that is assigned to every Starfleet vessel. These unique codes are primarily designed as a defensive measure so that Starfleet forces can gain control of any of their vessels that have been captured by hostile forces. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
- A prefix code was a six digit number programmed into a Starfleet starship's computer that allows someone to take control of a specific starship. These codes are intended as anti-hijacking measures, but have been used for negative purposes. (TNG novel: The Captains' Honor, TOS movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) In 2285, the crew of the USS Enterprise accesed the prefix code of the USS Reliant in order to stop Khan Noonien Singh from using the Reliant against Enterprise. (TOS movie: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan) In 2364, Captain Lucius Sejanus requested that Ensign Jenny de Luz get the USS Enterprise-D's prefix code, but de Luz didn't get it for him. (TNG novel: The Captains' Honor) In 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard gave the Cardassians the USS Phoenix's prefix code when it was attacking Cardassian starships. (TNG episode: "The Wounded") In 2385, the Warden of a prison asteroid containing Julian Bashir used the prefix code of the USS Lionheart to stop it's approach to the prison. (TNG novel: The Poisoned Chalice)
- The prefix code is a numbered code individually assigned to each Federation starship. It is a defensive measure designed to help Starfleet personnel combat enemies who have seized control of a ship of their fleet, and to prevent enemy ships from attempting to seize control of a Starfleet vessel. When the relevant code is entered into the computer system of another ship, that ship is able to remotely control systems on the other ship. This includes weapons and defense systems, which enables the controlling ship to reduce the seized ship's fighting capabilities in order to permit effective attacks. However, a knowledgeable enemy can take the precaution of changing the code. This defensive feature proved a real lifesaver in the initial engagement of the Battle of the Mutara Nebula where the damaged USS Enterprise managed to drive off the USS Reliant by accessing its five-digit code, 16309 and using it to lower the Reliant's shields, allowing the few remaining phaser blasts to cause fairly moderate damage.Without the prefix code, Admiral Kirk would have been completely out of options and very likely would have been forced to surrender and perhaps be killed by the vengeful Khan. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan). In 2367, Captain Jean-Luc Picard revealed the prefix code of the USS Phoenix to Cardassian authorities when its captain, Benjamin Maxwell, waged war on the Cardassians. The code allowed a Cardassian warship to remotely disable the Phoenix's shields. Unfortunately, the Phoenix was still able to destroy the warship. (TNG: "The Wounded" ) In the CD-ROM game Star Trek: 25th Anniversary (PC), the USS Enterprise uses the prefix code of a hijacked Ptolemy-class tug to lower its shields and beam a landing party aboard. In the book The Autobiography of James T. Kirk, Kirk notes that Garth of Izar took remote control of his enemy's weapons console in the Battle of Axanar, leading to the implementation of the prefix code on Federation ships to prevent the same tactic from being used against them.