Brava is located in: Benelux, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany map here:
El sistema Rodadura Desplazable Brava (Bogie de Rodadura de Ancho Variable Autopropulsado) desarrollado por CAF, puede aplicarse a diversos tipos de tren. Según el fabricante "con solo cambiar los bogies antiguos por unos Brava, los trenes que hoy en día circulan pueden transformarse en trenes de rodadura desplazable y circular a una velocidad de hasta 290 km/h" .
Brava (no real name known) is a New York street hero who is part of a group that works with El Penitente on Christmas Day during the mess caused by the New York Chapter of the Grand Hall of Sinister Wisdom's attempt to kidnap The Angel of Hell's Kitchen. She's probably an Exemplar. Brava was a very *ahem!* ‘healthy’ young woman with an outfit that showed off a lot of cleavage. She was a tall strapping example of Latina womanhood, all wrapped up in a tight black ‘Zorro’ outfit.
Brava is located in: Benelux, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany map here:
El sistema Rodadura Desplazable Brava (Bogie de Rodadura de Ancho Variable Autopropulsado) desarrollado por CAF, puede aplicarse a diversos tipos de tren. Según el fabricante "con solo cambiar los bogies antiguos por unos Brava, los trenes que hoy en día circulan pueden transformarse en trenes de rodadura desplazable y circular a una velocidad de hasta 290 km/h" .
Brava (no real name known) is a New York street hero who is part of a group that works with El Penitente on Christmas Day during the mess caused by the New York Chapter of the Grand Hall of Sinister Wisdom's attempt to kidnap The Angel of Hell's Kitchen. She's probably an Exemplar. Brava was a very *ahem!* ‘healthy’ young woman with an outfit that showed off a lot of cleavage. She was a tall strapping example of Latina womanhood, all wrapped up in a tight black ‘Zorro’ outfit.