| - There was once an egg that lived in Sweden and fought for the King . Sweden was at war with Britain at the time. Humpty Dumpty was on his favorite wall of the Swedish Castle, when all the King’s horses and all the King’s men laid siege on the Swedish castle. Humpty Dumpty readied his cannon, took aim and fired. KABOOM! Hundreds of arrows fired at the castle walls and reflected off of Humpty Dumpty’s round, smooth exterior. Humpty Dumpty reloaded his cannon, KABOOM! Humpty Dumpty stood up and looked at the totally annihilated battlefield. He spotted a mile-long battering ram being carried by 20,000 soldiers. It rammed the castle, CRASH! Humpty Dumpty stumbled and he had a great fall
| - There was once an egg that lived in Sweden and fought for the King . Sweden was at war with Britain at the time. Humpty Dumpty was on his favorite wall of the Swedish Castle, when all the King’s horses and all the King’s men laid siege on the Swedish castle. Humpty Dumpty readied his cannon, took aim and fired. KABOOM! Hundreds of arrows fired at the castle walls and reflected off of Humpty Dumpty’s round, smooth exterior. Humpty Dumpty reloaded his cannon, KABOOM! Humpty Dumpty stood up and looked at the totally annihilated battlefield. He spotted a mile-long battering ram being carried by 20,000 soldiers. It rammed the castle, CRASH! Humpty Dumpty stumbled and he had a great fall . All the King’s horses and all the King’s men cryogenically froze Humpty Dumpty for 400,000 years. 400,000 years later, all the King’s horses and all the Kings men found Humpty Dumpty, but couldn’t unfreeze him, and 2,000 years later, they came up with the technology to unfreeze him. And they did. They had the money and the technology and they could rebuild him and they did. They then put him in a time machine, and sent him 402,000 years back in time to inform all the King’s horses and all the King’s men to freeze Humpty Dumpty, so he could be rebuilt as he was in the future, for if all the King’s horses and all the King’s men did not do this, Humpty Dumpty would cease to be, for those events that were set in place, were caused by Humpty Dumpty.