The Annales Cambriae is a 10th century history book that mentions the date of death of Emperor Arthur as 537 A.D.
The Annales Cambriae or the Annals of Wales is an annal based on Irish material, which provides two entries mentioning Arthur. In origin, the Annales Cambriae appear to be an Irish Chronicle based on Isidore of Seville’s Origines transmitted through Bede's Chronica minora. The source of the two Arthurian entries and the source of the entry on the Battle of Ardderyd are unknown, so they may not be trustworthy. They might be taken from entirely historical information available to the person who put them in, or may be just guesses as to when events told of in popular stories occurred.
The Annales Cambriae or the Annals of Wales is an annal based on Irish material, which provides two entries mentioning Arthur. In origin, the Annales Cambriae appear to be an Irish Chronicle based on Isidore of Seville’s Origines transmitted through Bede's Chronica minora. The source of the two Arthurian entries and the source of the entry on the Battle of Ardderyd are unknown, so they may not be trustworthy. They might be taken from entirely historical information available to the person who put them in, or may be just guesses as to when events told of in popular stories occurred. The annals contain a line for each year, most of the years being empty. In some cases, where we know when events occurred, there are too many years or too few years between the events.
The Annales Cambriae is a 10th century history book that mentions the date of death of Emperor Arthur as 537 A.D.