| - Ryan Swanson is a second generation professional wrestler. His father was a star of Midwest regionals by the name Robert "The Swan" Swanson. It's been said that his father was a wrestler with not only incredible athletic ability, but also that he possessed great finesse. Ryan toured with his father as a youth whenever his school schedule or work on the Swanson's dairy farm would allow him the opportunity. However, that all ended with the death of Robert Swanson from a heart attack, half an hour after a grueling match. At the age of 13, Ryan left the scene of wrestling and refused to follow it immediately after his father's passing. It wouldn't take long, though, for the younger Swanson to go back to his roots and follow in the footsteps of Robert. While attending college, he started to pick up training from "Ripper" Rex Ripley's training school in Chicago, Illinois. (The same man that trained current ICWF superstar Bryce Glacier.) He waited, however, until earning his college degree in engineering at the University of Illinois before making wrestling his full-time profession. At the age of 23, and after only a few months on the Midwest’s independent scene, he was brought in and signed to a developmental deal by ICWF. What caught their eye was his high flying talents and blended in with his technical prowess. Now teamed up with fellow youngster Sean O'Donnell, forming the team of The Suicide Kings, only time will tell if this second generation superstar has what it takes to survive the level of competition here in the ICWF. He blends well with O'Donnell's youthful exuberance and unorthodox tactics with a flare for leadership and a wrestling mind that belies his years.
- Ryan Swanson is an actor who plays Clerk on Fringe.