| - The Cadinth Cataclysm was an event that occurred nearly two decades before the outbreak of the Extant War, and referred to the natural disaster that saw the destruction of several planets near the Cadinth Run trade route. With an unknown cause, the space around the hyperspace trade route became unstable, and cascaded hyperspace disturbances to nearby planetary systems, the most intense of which affected the Arramanx system. The conditions induced by the hyperspace disturbances caused extreme tectonic and atmospheric destabilization and gravitational ruptures, resulting in Arramanx experiencing violent planet-wide groundquakes, significantly weakened planetary magnetic fields, ion storms and localized space shears. Ninety-four percent of Arramanx's surface was destroyed by the end of the Cadinth Cataclysm, with less than one percent of its eight billion inhabitants even surviving the catastrophe. Xaga Terron, a former assassin in the Brotherhood of Sicarius, was one such survivor, as a child.