| - InuYasha (犬夜叉, Inu Yasha), sometimes romanized as Inuyasha, is the protagonist in the manga and anime series InuYasha created by Rumiko Takahashi. Inu means dog and Yasha means spirit, therefore InuYasha literally translates to "dog spirit" or "spiritual dog". He appears in Super Smash Flash as one of the many playable characters. It was decided, however, he will not be coming back in the reboot, Super Smash Flash 2.
- InuYasha 「犬夜叉 InuYasha?」 es una serie de manga escrita e ilustrada en el año 1996 por Rumiko Takahashi. Una adaptación al anime dirigida por Yasunao Aoki y Masashi Ikeda se transmitió durante octubre de 2000 y septiembre de 2004.
- InuYasha ist ein Anime und Manga.
- Inuyasha (the manga version) premiered in 1996 and finished in summer of 2008. It has also been released in both Japan and America as 56 collected volumes. There are also two "ani-manga" spinoffs based on the anime. The first has 167 and the second has 26 episodes. In adition to this, there are four anime films which feature original plots, rather than being based specifically on the manga.
- Eintrag im WikiIndex ansehen Kategorie:Projektbeschreibungen Das Wiki handelt von der Anime-Serie InuYasha.
- thumb|left Inuyasha (犬夜叉 InuYasha) je anime seriál.
- Inuyasha (In giapponese: お金, okane, ossia soldi) è una serie di manga ed anime creata da Rumiko Takahashi, autrice conosciuta anche per l'ambiguo universo di Ranma, Maison Ikkoku e Lamù. Quest'opera è celebre principalmente per la sua originalità e per la struttura degli episodi, completamente differenti l'uno dall'altro, che hanno reso invidioso perfino l'autore de La signora in giallo.
- thumb InuYasha es un manga escrito Rumiko Takahashi. Tuvo su llegada a la televisión en el 2000 con su anime, que finalizó el 13 de septiembre de 2004. Un medio demonio, llamado InuYasha roba la Perla de Shikon; joya de las cuatro almas, con el objetivo de usarla para convertirse en un demonio completo.
- El manga comenzó en noviembre de 1996 publicado por la editorial Shōgakukan, en la revista semanal japonesa. Shōnen Sunday; hasta su final en junio de 2008, con un total de 558 capítulos compilados en 56 volúmenes. Tanto el anime como el manga han alcanzado un gran éxito dentro y fuera de Japón. En el año 2002, el manga de InuYasha obtuvo el premio Shōgakukan en la categoría shōnen (joven). En el ranking publicado por TV Asahi de las mejores 100 series anime de 2006 (con base en una encuesta online en el país), InuYasha alcanzó el puesto N°20.
- thumb| Inu Yasha (jap. sengoku o-togi zōshi „inu yasha“, Die mittelalterliche Geschichte „Inu Yasha“) ist eine international erfolgreiche Manga-Serie der japanischen Zeichnerin Rumiko Takahashi, die auch als Anime umgesetzt wurde.
- It was adapted into two anime television series produced by Sunrise. The first was broadcast for 167 episodes on Yomiuri TV in Japan from October 16, 2000 until September 13, 2004 and was directed by Masashi Ikeda for the first forty-four episodes and by Yasunao Aoki for the remainder. The second series, called InuYasha: The Final Act, began airing October 3, 2009 to cover the rest of the manga series and ended on March 29, 2010. Four feature films and five original video animations have also been released. Other merchandise include video games and a light novel. Viz Media licensed the manga, the two anime series, and movies for North America.
- Inuyasha (犬夜叉, "Dog Forest Spirit") is an inu hanyō, son of the Inu no Taishō and human Izayoi, and the main male protagonist of the series of the same name. He was pinned to a sacred tree by a sacred sealing arrow shot by the priestess Kikyō after he attempted to steal the Shikon no Tama. Kagome Higurashi released him from the seal fifty years later, but soon after, she accidentally shattered the Shikon Jewel into hundreds of fragments. They reluctantly agreed to work together as a team to recover all of the fragments that had scattered across Feudal Japan before they fell into the wrong hands.
- kagome higurachi una joven casada con koga natowa pero no lo ama se caso para unir las empresas higurachi y clow inuyasha taisho un joven millonario que espera encontrar a su amor de la vida .trabaja en la empresa taisho inu:mioga los documentos de la empresa mio:estan en su escritorio inu:garcias mioga mio:no hay de que inuyasha se fue a su escritorio segido por miroku inu:que quieres miroku ? miro:quiero que me digas como vas? inu:como voy de que? miro:de el amor de tu vida claro inu:bueno toda via no lo encuentro miro:bueno esta bien chao inu chao se fue miroku inu:ojala lo encuentre kag:bien y a ti kag:si
- InuYasha is a Japanese shōnen adventure and romantic comedy manga created by Rumiko Takahashi. The story tells of the adventures of Kagome Higurashi, who can travel back in time through a mysterious well, and the half-demon, InuYasha, along with their companions Miroku, Sango and Shippo. It was adapted into an 167 episode anime series produced by Sunrise which first aired on Nippon TV in Japan from October 16, 2000 to September 13, 2004. The television run of the anime has ended while the manga was still being released in Japan. A second series, "InuYasha the Final Act", is currently airing to complete the first series with the rest of the finished manga.
- InuYasha(犬夜叉), full title InuYasha, a Feudal Fairy Tale(戦国御伽草子 犬夜叉Sengoku Otogizōshi InuYasha), is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi. It premiered in Weekly Shōnen Sunday on November 13, 1996 and concluded on June 18, 2008. The series follows a half-demon, a time-traveling high school girl, a lecherous monk, a fox demon, and a demon slayer during the Sengoku period as they seek to find all the fragments of the Jewel of Four Souls and to keep them out of the hands of evildoers, especially Naraku.
- Inuyasha is the main male protagonist and title character of the anime/manga series Inuyasha. He is an inu hanyō, son of the Inu no Taishō and human Izayoi. He was pinned to a sacred tree by a sacred sealing arrow shot by the priestess Kikyō after he attempted to steal the Shikon no Tama. Kagome Higurashi released him from the seal fifty years later, but soon after, she accidentally shattered the Shikon Jewel into hundreds of fragments. They reluctantly agreed to work together as a team to recover all of the fragments that had scattered across Feudal Japan before they fall into the wrong hands.