| - [In the Carlton International version, title card Trapped in the Sky appears.] [Scene opens to a temple in a dense jungle. Scene cuts to the main interior. Camera pans over from a Buddhism-related statue to the main hall. A bald man (The Hood) is standing in front of a statue concealed by a bead curtain. The man raises his hands. The bead curtain swishes open and the statue is lit up.] [The statue glows red as he speaks. Scene cuts to the Tracy Island Villa lounge. International Rescue founder Jeff Tracy is reading a letter to Kyrano.] [Kyrano falls to the floor. Jeff hurries to his side. Scene cuts to The Hood's temple.] [Scene cuts back to Tracy Island. Kyrano is writhing in agony and Jeff is crouching beside him.] [Scene cuts back to the temple. The Hood has his frown expression on.] [The Hoods eyes start to glow. Cue highly strung violins.] [Scene cuts to London International Airport. The grand Fireflash is standing in front of the terminal; scene cuts to inside the terminal.] [Camera pans over to Tin-Tin Kyrano.] Tin-Tin Kyrano: "Yes?" [Scene cuts to the landing gear compartment of the Fireflash. The Hood is busy planting a bomb.] [The Hood climbs out of the landing gear compartment. Cue Fireflash take-off theme. The Fireflash takes off. Scene cuts to cockpit.] [Scene cuts to the lounge.] [Scene cuts to a phone booth near the airport. The Hood is making a call.] [The call ends. The Hood takes off his disguise. Scene cuts to Fireflash cockpit.] Captain Hanson: "Right. Switch to automatic flight plan." [Stands up.] "Well, I uh... I'm going up front to have a word with the passengers." Commander Norman: [into intercom] "Alert all emergency services." [Scene cuts to various emergency vehicles speeding into action; then, to Tin-Tin in the Fireflash lounge.] [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 5. John Tracy is monitoring global communications when one particular signal draws his attention.] [Scene cuts to Tracy Island. Jeff Tracy is standing in front of a painting of a space rocket, deep in thought.] [Scene cuts to control tower.] Commander Norman: "Roger. Lift your starboard wing so we can get a good shot." [To Harris] "Ready with the automatic X-ray?" [Fireflash approaches the control tower.] Commander Norman: [pointing] "Here she comes." [Fireflash flies past the control tower. They take a picture.] [Scene cuts to Fireflash cockpit.] [Scene cuts to control tower. The image taken displays the wing compartment with the bomb attached.] [Scene cuts to Fireflash in flight. Cuts to the wing compartment then on the bomb before fading out.] [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 5. John is listening.] [John looks out on the earth. Camera then zooms in on Fireflash's cockpit.] Commander Norman [to himself]: "They haven't got a chance. We've just got to sit here and wait for them to die." [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 5.] Captain Hanson [on console]: "As far as I can see, London, nothing can save us now short of a miracle." John Tracy: [to himself] "That's just what you might get." [Scene cuts to Jeff Tracy's office. He is reviewing a document.] [John's portrait beeps repeatedly.] [Scene cuts to Fireflash cockpit.] [Scene cuts to Jeff Tracy's office. His sons: Scott, Virgil, Alan and Gordon Tracy are present as well as Brains.] Scott Tracy [gets up out of his chair]"Yes sir." [Scott leaves the room.] [Scene cuts to Scott swivelling around on a portrait and boards a gantry that leads to International Rescue's hypersonic reconnaissance craft, Thunderbird 1. Cue respective Thunderbird 1 launch theme. A hatch in the side of Thunderbird 1 opens and Scott enters. Scene cuts to outside of the Tracy Villa and pans round to behind the swimming pool. The pool begins to recline. Scene cuts to Thunderbird 1 moving down on a pulley to its launch hangar beneath the pool. It then takes off with Scott on board.] Scott Tracy: [into radio] "International Rescue from Thunderbird 1. Changing to horizontal flight." [Scott pushes both levers and Thunderbird 1 switches to horizontal flight. Cuts to cockpit.] Scott Tracy: [into radio] "International Rescue Space Station. This is Thunderbird 1. Give me the low-down, John." [Thunderbird 5.] John Tracy: [into radio microphone] "Thunderbird 1 from Space Station. They're trying to dislodge the bomb by aerobatics, but they're not having much success." [Scene cuts to Jeff Tracy's office. Scott's portrait is beeping.] [Connected.] [Cue "Thunderbirds are Go!" rearrangement. Virgil walks over to the rocket portrait and stands by it. This tips over onto a slide which Virgil slides backwards on then swivels round to the left, allowing him to continue feet first to International Rescue's heavy duty transporter, Thunderbird 2. Once inside the cockpit, the bottom of the slide tucks in and swivels like on a hinge onto the pilot seat. Virgil pulls a white-capped lever to his left and brings the craft to life. The slide retracts. Virgil's uniform is then raised. Scene cuts to Thunderbird 2's hangar. A large trolley begins to pull a selection of six green pods along to Thunderbird 2. Once it has stopped with Pod 3 below Thunderbird 2's main body, Virgil (now in uniform) presses a button and Thunderbird 2's main body descends around Pod 3. Scene cuts to exterior of the hangar. The cliff hangar begins to descend into a trench and the hangar door is lowered. Thunderbird 2 then moves forward. The palm tree's on either side of the runway recline back so Thunderbird 2 can pass through. Once at the end, it is pointed towards the sky on a launch pad. A section of the runway just behind Thunderbird 2's tail engines opens up and Thunderbird 2 blasts off. Scene cuts to control tower.] Commander Norman: [Sarcastic] "Fantastic! That's just about the most fantastic scheme I've heard to date." Captain Hanson: [on monitor] "London Tower from Fireflash... what now?" [Scene cuts to a TX-204 cockpit.] [A target aircraft slowly exits from the rear of the TX-204.] [The target aircraft begins to slowly descend.] [Scene cuts to target aircraft being destroyed by a missile.] Commander Norman: [on radio] "Target One, this is London Tower. Set course for London Airport. This is an emergency." [Scene cuts to London tower.] Commander Norman: "Alright. Get in to your flying gear. The harness should have been adapted by now. Then, get a truck to run you out to the end of Two-Nine." Bob Meddings: "Yes sir. Thank you, sir." Commander Norman: "Erm... Meddings." Bob Meddings: "Yes sir?" Commander Norman: "Thank you." [Scene cuts to Fireflash cockpit.] Commander Norman: "Fireflash, this is London Tower. We're going to attempt to put a man into the wing of your aircraft, in order to remove the bomb." Captain Hanson: "But that's suicide! He wouldn't stand a chance." Commander Norman: "There is a chance, Fireflash. A very slender one, but one we must take." [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 1.] Scott Tracy: "International Rescue from Thunderbird 1. ETA London Airport now 41 minutes. Any more news?" [Scene cuts to Jeff's office.] Jeff Tracy: "Yes, Scott. John has reported in from the space station that a rescue attempt is going to be made. It seems from transmissions intercepted that they're gonna try and put a man aboard Fireflash. How, we don't yet know. But continue on your present course. It doesn't look too hopeful." Scott Tracy: [on portrait] "Well, let's hope they succeed. I'll keep in touch." [Scene cuts to London Airport.] Harris: "Target One from London Tower." Target One Pilot: "Roger." Harris: "Meddings is aboard, sir." Commander Norman: "Right. Target One from London Tower. You're clear to go. Wait for a green light, and... good luck. I'll make no further transmissions, so as to keep the frequency clear for you and Fireflash. This is London Tower, listening out." Target One Pilot: [To Meddings] "Look, erm... there's no time for introductions, but I'd like you to know we're right with you." Bob Meddings: "Thanks." Target One Co-pilot: "Green light." Target One Pilot: "Full power!" [Target One takes off. Scene cuts to Fireflash cockpit.] Fireflash Co-pilot: "You realise the passengers are gonna see what's going on?" Captain Hanson: "Yeah, yeah. I know. I've been dreading this moment.... Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. I have a very important announcement to make. We're still unable to land, but every effort is being made to ensure your safety. In the meantime, please remain calm." Passenger: "Say, look! There's another aircraft dead ahead of us." [Scene shows the TX-204 quite a distance from the Fireflash.] Target One Pilot: "OK, Fireflash. Hold her dead steady. Maintain low safe-cruising. Any adjustments to be made will be done from our end. Lieutenant Meddings, who is making this attempt, will be in contact with us both, on this frequency." Captain Hanson: "Roger. Now at low safe-cruising and steady." Target One Pilot: "Here we go! OK Bob, stand by." Bob Meddings: "OK. Ready." Target One Pilot: "Away you go." [Meddings exits the plane from the rear, attached to a cable.] Bob Meddings: "OK, winch out." Target One Pilot: "Start winches." Target One Co-pilot: "Right." [Meddings begins to be winched to Fireflash. Scene cuts to Fireflash cockpit.] Fireflash Co-pilot: "Running into turbulence...!" [Scene cuts to Meddings.] Bob Meddings: "Left left, one degree... right right, two degrees... right, hold present course. Stand by to stop winches." [Fireflash cockpit.] Captain Hanson: "Hold her steady, here he comes." [Scene cuts to exterior of the Fireflash. This sequence takes a long time indeed. When Meddings comes under the wing hatch...] Bob Meddings: "Stop winches." [TX-204 cockpit.] Target One Pilot: "Stop winches!" [The winch is stopped.] Bob Meddings: "OK, Fireflash. Open number four inspection hatch. Keep her steady... one false move now and I've had it." Captain Hanson: "Open number four hatch. Check trim." [Scene cuts to hatch door opening.] Bob Meddings: "I'm going to try and board now. Target One, give me more cable, a foot at a time." Pilot: "Coming up now." Bob Meddings: "Again... again... one more time. Hold it... ok. Count of five, and then up. Five, four, three, two, one... now!" [Meddings comes up through the hatch and grabs hold of a pipe with both hands.] Bob Meddings: "Cut cable!" Captain Hanson: "Bob, are you ok?" Bob Meddings: "OK... I'm aboard. I can't see the bomb. Keep her steady. I'm trying to get a little higher. Still can't see it..." Captain Hanson: "It's probably located near the master cylinders, on the yellow hydraulics system." [Meddings heaves himself up some machinery and sees the bomb.] Bob Meddings: "I can see it! I'm going to try and get nearer." [Reaches for a nearby pipe but cannot reach.] "It's no good. It's no good, I can't reach. I'd have to dismantle the pump to get anywhere near it. Hold on, I'm going to try around the other side." [Meddings grabs a pipe, which gives way. He falls out of the aircraft.] Captain Hanson: "He's fallen! His chute has failed!" [Meddings's parachute opens and he falls safely to earth.] Captain Hanson: "At least he made it...." Co-pilot: "Sure was a good try." Captain Hanson: "London Tower, this is Fireflash. The rescue attempt has failed. Bob Meddings appears to be safe. Our radiation safety factor is now down to thirty minutes. Over." Commander Norman: "Roger, Fireflash. There's now only one alternative left to us. This area has now been evacuated. Return to London Airport, and land. The only chance that now exists is that the bomb will fail to explode." Assistant Controller: "Aircraft approaching from the east. Height 2,500 feet, speed 7... point 5 thousand miles per hour!" Commander Norman: [can't believe what he's hearing] "7,500 miles an hour? Have you gone crazy?" [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 1.] Scott Tracy: "London Tower from Thunderbird 1. Approaching London Airport. Height 2,500 feet. Airspeed 7,500 miles per hour. We'll be touching down in two minutes." [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 1's wings opening, then back to cockpit.] [Control tower.] Commander Norman: "International Rescue? What is this?" Assistant Controller: "That must be the aircraft I just picked up." Commander Norman: "This I must see. International Rescue, you are cleared to land. Use runway two-nine." Scott Tracy [On monitor]: "Will not require runway. Coming in vertically." [Thunderbird 1 descends. Scene cuts to the Hood surveying the airport.] The Hood: "As I thought. International Rescue are arriving on the scene. Part two of my plan about to commence. Heh, heh, heh." [Thunderbird 1 lands.] Scott Tracy: "London Tower from International Rescue. Now, listen carefully. I want men and transport to take my portable equipment to your control tower. And I want an assurance from you that you will place guards on my aircraft to ensure that no photographs are taken." [Control tower.] Commander Norman: "International Rescue, please give me information about your organisation. We cannot grant facilities without knowing more details." [Thunderbird 1. Scott has his frown expression on.] Scott Tracy: "Look, there are 600 people up there with about 40 minutes to live! Now, you can't help them, but we believe we can. Now what's it gonna be?" Commander. Norman: "All right, International Rescue. But I just hope you know what you're doing." [Three police cars take up position around Thunderbird 1. The Hood is in one of them, dressed in a police uniform.] The Hood (to himself): Now, to make sure that no-one takes photographs of Thunderbird 1... except me, of course! Heh, heh, heh." [A close up reveals there's a camera hidden in his cap. He takes several pictures of Thunderbird 1. Scene fades out.] Part 3. [Scott is in the control tower with Commander Norman and his assistants.] Scott Tracy: "Now, let's recap. Fireflash has another thirty minutes before its radiation safety factor expires." Commander Norman: "Right." Scott Tracy: "Now, the specialised gear I require for the rescue will be here in twenty minutes. Leaving us just ten minutes to put our rescue into operation." [He picks up a microphone.] "Thunderbird 2, this is Mobile Control." [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 2 cockpit.] Scott Tracy: [On radio.] "Confirm estimated time of arrival London Airport." Virgil Tracy: "OK, Scott. Arriving in nineteen and one half minutes from now." Scott Tracy [On radio]: "Now, as soon as you arrive, unload high-speed Elevator Car with two radio-controlled subsidiaries." [Control tower.] Scott Tracy: "Then, proceed to end of runway Two Nine and report." Virgil Tracy [On monitor]: "Thunderbird 1, F.A.B." Scott Tracy: "Fireflash, this is International Rescue, Mobile Control." [Fireflash cockpit.] Scott Tracy: [On radio.] "In approximately eighteen minutes from now, I will request you to land using runway two-nine." [Control tower.] Scott Tracy: "You are to come in with your landing gear up. Repeat: landing gear up. Make a completely normal approach, and keep your head..." Captain Hanson [On radio.]: "Message understood. What's the action?" Scott Tracy: "Now listen carefully. We can't afford any mistakes." [Scene cuts to Thunderbird 1. The Hood has entered the cockpit and is taking pictures. This sets off the Automatic Camera Detector in Thunderbird 1 and the photo alert on Mobile Control.] Scott Tracy: "The Automatic Camera Detector! Quick, someone's photographing the instrument panel of Thunderbird 1! It's imperative that you get this man and stop him!" Commander Norman [Into radio.]: "Airport Police, this is the control tower. Someone is taking photographs inside the International Rescue aircraft. Grab him, and bring him in for questioning." [The Hood climbs in his police car and drives off. Another police car chases after him. Scene cuts to Thunderbird 2 landing in a massive cloud of smoke. Cuts briefly to the exterior of the control tower where Scott, Commander Norman and Harris look on before Thunderbird 2's main body begins to ascend. Cue Fireflash take-off theme. Once it is fully raised, the pod door to Pod 3 is lowered. Two Elevator Cars then move out, with Virgil in the Master one. Scene cuts to control tower.] Policeman: [On radio.] "London Tower from Airport Mobile Police. We have lost contact with pursued car. Vehicle was last seen turning onto M1, heading towards Birmingham." Commander Norman: "Message received and understood." [He turns to Scott.] "I'm sorry. We did our best." Scott Tracy: "OK, leave this to me." [He presses a button on his Mobile Control console and it lights up with a symbol of a dark teapot in the centre. Scene cuts a large stately home mansion. Camera pans over from the luxurious furniture and carpet to International Rescue's London Agent Lady Penelope Creighton- Ward. She is pouring tea. The teapot starts to beep. She twists the knob on top.] Scott Tracy: "Mobile Control calling International Rescue, England." Lady Penelope: "International Rescue. Lady Penelope speaking." [Scene subsequently shows a half of Scott in the control tower. Scott Tracy: "Require your assistance. Man with photographic record of Thunderbird 1 proceeding along M1 motorway, in your direction. Car registration: 695 CMO. Over." Lady Penelope: "Mobile Control, F.A.B." (To herself:) "Oh dear, how inconvenient. Just as I'm expecting visitors. Three coach-loads, too... oh well." [The living room doors open. The butler, Aloysius Parker, is there.] Parker: "You called, m'lady?" Lady Penelope: "Yes Parker. Get the Rolls-Royce. We are going for a little drive." [Cuts to Fireflash cockpit.] Captain Hanson: "Mobile Control from Fireflash. We have only five minutes left. Unless you can start rescue operation immediately, we've had it." [Control tower.] Scott Tracy: "Stand by, Fireflash. Thunderbird 2 from Mobile Control. Are you ready, Virgil?" [Scene cuts to runway two-nine. A second subsidiary Elevator Car has joined the first and Master ones, in triangular formation. Scene cuts to Virgil, in the Master Elevator Car.] Virgil Tracy: "Mobile Control and Fireflash. This is Thunderbird 2. I'm ready." [Control tower.] Scott Tracy: "Thunderbird 2 from Control, F.A.B. Control to Fireflash, commence your approach. And good luck. After acknowledgement of this transmission, do not make any further calls. Whatever happens, keep this frequency clear." [Fireflash cockpit.] Captain Hanson: "Roger, Control. Starting approach now. And however it turns out, thanks." [Fireflash descends.] Assistant Controller: "Aircraft approaching glide path, five miles to threshold." Scott Tracy: "Stand by, Virgil. Fireflash on final approach." [Scene cuts to runway two-nine. Virgil sees that there is a fault on Elevator Car 3.] Virgil Tracy: "Scott, I've got a fault on Number 3." [Control tower.] Scott Tracy: "OK, checking out. Fireflash, continue your approach." [Fireflash cockpit.] Fireflash co-pilot: "On glide path. Rate of descent 300 feet a minute." Captain Hanson: "Check." Fireflash Co-pilot: "What did they mean when they said they had a fault?" Captain Hanson: [almost preferring to not acknowledge it] "Left left, two degrees." [Control tower.] [Scene cuts to runway two-nine. Two ambulances and fire tenders start up and accelerate to the end. Scene cuts to control tower.] [Master Elevator Car.] Scott Tracy: [On radio.] "What was it?" [Control tower.] [Scene cuts to Fireflash descending then back to Master Elevator Car.] [Scene cuts to Fireflash cockpit briefly then back to Master Elevator Car.] [Virgil moves forward in the elevator car. The other two follow behind, with Fireflash not far away.] [Control Tower.] [Master Elevator Car.] [Scene cuts to all three Cars gaining speed. Cuts to the threshold of the runway as Fireflash soars over it. Cuts twice between the Cars accelerating and Fireflash descending before cutting to an overhead shot of the Fireflash above the Cars. Virgil has his frown expression on. He looks to his right. Elevator Car 2 is in position. He looks to his left. Elevator Car 3 is in position.] [Fireflash cockpit.] Virgil Tracy: [On radio.] "OK, Fireflash, [Master Elevator Car.] [Fireflash attempts to land on the three Elevator Cars, but the left one suddenly swerves off course.] [Fireflash aborts its landing attempt at the last second. Elevator Car 3 slams into a parked Jumbo Jet, and explodes.] [Control tower.] [Fireflash cockpit.] Scott Tracy[On radio] "what is your radiation safety factor now?" [Control tower.] Captain Hanson [On monitor] "passengers and crew will have received fatal exposure." [Fireflash descends again.] [Fireflash cockpit.] [Control tower.] [Scene cuts to runway two-nine. The crash crews are returning to stand-by positions, as are Virgil and Elevator Car 2. A fourth Elevator Car moves out of Pod 3 and joins the other two.] [Fireflash cockpit.] [Scene cuts to Fireflash descending then back to control tower.] [Master Elevator Car.] [Fireflash cockpit.] [Control tower.] [Fireflash cockpit.] [Scene cuts to runway two-nine then to Fireflash descending before back to control tower.] [The three Cars get going.] [Control tower.] [Scene cuts to Master Elevator Car accelerating. Cuts to Fireflash flying over the runway, then to the three Cars, then to Fireflash, then to the Master Elevator Car. Virgil has his frown expression on. Cue On Final Approach theme. Fireflash flies over the three Cars. Virgil looks to his left. Elevator Car 4 is in position. He looks to his right. Elevator Car 2 is in position.] [Fireflash cockpit.] [Master Elevator Car.] [The right wing of Fireflash lands successfully on Elevator Car 2. The main body lands successfully on the Master Elevator Car. Virgil looks to his left. The port wing is not over Elevator Car 4 and it drops slightly.] [Fireflash raises its port wing and Virgil accelerates Car 4 to the correct position.] [The port wing lands successfully on Elevator Car 4.] [Master Elevator Car.] [Fireflash cockpit.] [Scene cuts to runway exterior. Fireflash activates its reverse thrusters, but it isn't enough to slow it down.] [Master Elevator Car.] Virgil Tracy: "I'm applying brakes down here." [All three Cars brake hard. But it still isn't enough.] [Fireflash cockpit.] [Scene cuts to runway exterior. Fireflash almost slips off the front Car.] [Master Elevator Car.] [Simultaneously, all three Cars brake at their hardest. Scene cuts briefly to the wing compartment where the bomb is, then a close up shot of the front Car's wheels scraping along the runway surface. They suddenly blow up. Virgil looks to his left. Elevator Car 4's wheels succumb to the strain and blow up. The lead elevator car blows out some tyres and spins out of control. The nose cone of the Fireflash slams down onto the runway, as the Master Elevator Car smashes into it and veers to the left off the runway, before swerving, rolling over and landing on its roof. Scene cuts to wing compartment, the bomb is being shaken around slightly. Scene cuts to a close up shot of the Fireflash's nose cone scraping along the runway surface. Fireflash comes to a stop. The bomb slips out of position but doesn't drop or detonate.] Commander Norman: "They made it. They made it!" [To Scott] "Jolly good show, old boy!" [Master Elevator Car. Virgil has been tossed out of his seat and is upside down, but OK.] [Control tower.] [Crash crews arrive at the Fireflash. Scene cuts back to control tower.] Scott Tracy: [almost looking directly at the camera] "Don't worry, he'll be taken care of..." [Scene cuts to motorway. The Hood looks in his mirror. Lady Penelope and Parker are in the pink Rolls-Royce, FAB 1, chasing after him. Scene cuts to FAB 1.] [Scene briefly cuts to the overhead of a bridge. The Hood's car drives under as does FAB 1 in hot pursuit. Lady Penelope looks behind her. The road is clear.] [Parker fires FAB 1's grille-mounted machine cannon. It catches the back end of the Hood's car. The Hood's car swerves, smashes through the road side barrier, rolls off the road, down the embankment, and finally explodes as it comes to rest.] [Scene cuts to The Hood in the wreckage of his car. The camera in his hat pops open, causing the film to spill out, destroyed.] [Scene cuts to Tracy Villa. It's evening. Alan and Tin-Tin are on the terrace gazing at the night sky. Virgil is playing a tune on the piano. Scott and Gordon are playing chess. Jeff is reading a newspaper. Brains appears at the door.] [He presses a button. The portraits of the five Tracy sons on the wall change from uniformed to non-uniformed.] [Brains leaves. Virgil continues playing the tune. The doctor enters.] Doctor: "Oh, anytime!" [He spots an article in the paper Jeff is holding. It's about the Fireflash rescue. The heading is "International Rescue: Who Are They?"] "Well, how about that, Jeff? Some story, huh?" [They shake hands. Alan and Tin-Tin walk in.] [The doctor leaves.] Jeff Tracy: "So long." [To the others:] "Well, fellas... I guess that handshake was for all of us... Boys, I think we're in business!" [Camera zooms in on Virgil as the tune he is playing morphs into a non-diegetic orchestral crescendo and as the optimum of it, the scene fades out. A fine ending to the first episode of Thunderbirds.]