| - Hey how about making a finished games box like "This user has finished Final Fantasy VII"? Thai420 17:50, 4 July 2006 (UTC) Request fulfilled. On a sidenote, I have made a slightly different template for the completion of Final Fantasy Tactics. Should I make the rest the same way or should I change that one back? --Hecko X 22:53, 5 August 2006 (UTC)
* How come FFTA is left out? I love that game. --Frusion1021 09:28, 6 August 2006 (UTC)
* What's the color of the FFTA logo? Crazyswordsman 14:32, 6 August 2006 (UTC)
* Well, the box is white and behind the main characters there are, what I'd assume, are Totemas behind in a sky-bluelike hue. Kind of like the en-2 box. --Frusion1021 08:43, 7 August 2006 (UTC)
* Link to Boxart --Frusion1021 08:49, 7 August 2006 (UTC) While
| - 10.0
- You'll probably find that AS is more common than you think. I distinguish it from other conditions on the basis of the fact that, for the most part, it isn't harmful. Nobody disputes that SARS is harmful, because the clue is in the name. There is a reason why I made it link to Wikipedia, which is so that people can find out about it.
The userbox was created to highlight special qualities. If I didn't have AS, I'd be a completely different person. I'd probably have completely different interests, and almost certainly not the love for maths and physics that I have. For this, I am grateful for what my AS gives me. The fact that it also deprives me of several social skills is of little concern to me, because I also don't seek out social interaction. I am perfectly content for it to be so.
I most certainly am not "hiding" behind it, as it is not an excuse. It is an explanation. I will sometimes say or do things without considering the implications or possible offence, especially in social terms, and I prefer that it be understood that I cannot help it. I usually try not to do it, and accept the error when I am aware I have made one, but I often am unaware unless it is made clear .
I do appreciate the points you are both making , but I think the fact that there are already other users who have chosen to use my userbox shows that we are perfectly happy to admit having AS, because we know it is typically not a negative condition to have.
Oh, and your apology is accepted, Xepscern.
- I agree. I think we should also have some boxes for Chocobo Tales as well.
- I have an exam at 8:30am tomorrow. it'll finish around ten, so I'll be home and working on the Wiki by around midday at the absolute latest. If I have any spare time once I'm done with all the other stuff I've agreed tomorrow, I'll work on a plan for breakup.
- this user has no personality, but when you have the power to turn into a tornado, who cares?!!.
- B) No prob. I like making userboxs. :)
- C) That came across as kind of spiteful CSM.
- Check it out!
- Don't try to tell this user you understand.
- If it's real, this user wants to fly it.
- This user could've danced all night.
- This user has infinite Hi-Potions.
- This user has their own Profile on Facebook
- This user respects men with..."courage".
- This user's just a kid.
- If we did, the sub-page should be the Character boxes, they're the ones hogging half the page.
- This user is not more stubborn than a grumpy mule, no matter what you think!
- I think we should have userboxes for non-SquareEnix games: Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Ratchet and Clank, Super Mario Brothers, Sonic the Hedgehog and the Sims series. I like those serieses, and so do some people around here. I only have Pokemon and Kingdom Hearts on my page, but I don't edit to their wikis anymore. There should also be a box for those who have anger autisom like me and a few others. Just a saying.
- I'm thinking maybe we should break down into multiple pages. it's getting kinda long
- this user...deposed?! But the wicked are not wont to fall alone.
- this user's true strength lies in death.
- Huh. I seem to recall that about a year ago we had a bunch of boxes that went something like "This user has played Final Fantasy XII".
Or did I just dream that?
- C) Are you still pissed about that CSM? It's been 3 months.
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I didn't mean to.
- Mind if I ask what happened to all the "This user has played..." boxes? 'Cause I kinda wanted them .
- A) I don't particuarly see that the size of this page matters.
- Can we get one for the original Crystal Chronicles and not the series?
- Am I the only one who thunks that it's wrong to plae the Aspergers Syndrome box with the elemental crystals? Aspergers Syndrome, which is an actual illness, shouldn't even be a user box.
- B) Nice of you to be working on my sandbox for me, but anything not done by wednesday afternoon is gonna be done by me then anyway.