| - In the Emerald Hill Zone's Control Centre, the Kintobor Computer has received an audio distress call from the Chemical Plant Zone. A serious malfunction threatens a global pollution disaster, but Tails is wary of there not being a video message. Sonic isn't fazed with no Robotnik to fear, so the pair take to the skies in the biplane. After considering if the Zone can really prosper and be environmentally friendly, the heroes touch down but are left waiting. They're eventually allowed in, but Sonic isn't pleased to see that the Zone is being run by the Marxio Brothers. Worse still, they own the Zone and have convinced the people of Mobius that they were tricked by Robotnik.
| - In the Emerald Hill Zone's Control Centre, the Kintobor Computer has received an audio distress call from the Chemical Plant Zone. A serious malfunction threatens a global pollution disaster, but Tails is wary of there not being a video message. Sonic isn't fazed with no Robotnik to fear, so the pair take to the skies in the biplane. After considering if the Zone can really prosper and be environmentally friendly, the heroes touch down but are left waiting. They're eventually allowed in, but Sonic isn't pleased to see that the Zone is being run by the Marxio Brothers. Worse still, they own the Zone and have convinced the people of Mobius that they were tricked by Robotnik. Frustrated, Sonic is led into a factory by "plant safety" chief Chicio Marxio but Tails isn't convinced it's a good idea. As they observe that Mega Mack is being constructed here, the heroes are confronted by chemical monsters who appear to know Sonic. They can hurt Sonic by poisoning him, but his speed does little to them. However, they turn and run and the heroes follow them to a chamber flooded with electricity. The monsters taunt Sonic, stating the room is about to explode, flooding a sea of Mega Mack towards the Emerald Hill Zone. The monsters continue to talk about revenge and begin to join together. Sonic soon remembers when he's confronted by a massive Megatox. After his last defeat, the monster has increasing his strength and is now charged with thousands of volts. In minutes, an explosion will be triggered that will poison Sonic's home for years. With the power of electricity, Megatox can now harden himself another to strike Sonic but return to his liquid form if threatened. The poison starts to get to Sonic and his vision blurs, but he uses his speed to attack Megatox before he has the chance to turn liquid again. Later, Megatox is neutralised and stored in a reinforced task while a cleanup begins. Sonic angrily confronts Grouchio, guessing that he tried to kill the hedgehog. Grouchio insists the Marxios love Sonic and even Tails supposes that the businessmen wouldn't want to destroy their own Zone. Sonic leaves in confusion, with no idea who the real villains are now that Robotnik is gone.