| - This magnificently elegant suite in an arcology pyramid on Coruscant once belonged to Palpatine. After being cleared out thoroughly, and having righted all the upturned furniture, this apartment is actually large enough to house a nicely-sized group of people, and possesses plenty of amenities:
* A Sithly Lair and Artifact Hall complete with attached refresher, perfectly suitable to living in if you've a mind to disinfect the place of all the Dark Sided mojo.
* A grand marble entry hall, complete with en-suite Tarentatek skeleton, some repairs may be required.
* A swimming pool fit for a dozen swimmers at once, with attached sauna and chiller, and eight nearby refreshers.
* A sitting room perfect for lounging or informal meetings.
* A very large home library, densely-packed and clearly intended for the enjoyment of one, complete with ensuite duelist droid and a very large wing-backedchair that rotates and reclines.
* A kitchen set up for autonomous cooking, SOTA circa forty-five years ago and still fantastic even today, with ensuite kitchen droid and automated kitchen appliances, and attached walk-in freezer.
* A dining room that can seat 24.
* A second, southern foyer, for greeting guests from the garage, with some charming cracks in the marble flooring.
* A massive airspeeder garage large enough to fit some smaller, compact space transports or starfighters.
* A vast home office and communications center suitable for several people to work in at once.
* A vast Master Bedroom with attached Master Refresher suite. All of the decor is very stately, warmly old-fashioned modern circa the era of the Clone Wars. Reds and purples in most areas, bright, lighter colors in others (such as the dining room, the refreshers, the pool, the entry halls,) and dark reds in the Sithly Lair. Everything here was built to a higher standard than things constructed during the Imperial era - all the windows, including the garage's massive door, are smart windows, which can receive and display telecommunications broadcasts or be used as computerized work-display areas, with the appropriate inputs from wireless devices. The whole apartment was filled to the brim with droids, as well. Here's the full list, segregated by room.