| - Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition é uma atualização do jogo Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance para o console Gameboy Advance. Seguindo a história de Mortal Kombat,Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition ocorre durante Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance e Mortal Kombat: Deception.
- Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition is a fighting game for the Game Boy Advance. The roster includes Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Scorpion, Bo' Rai Cho, Cyrax, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Johnny Cage, Mavado, Nitara, Raiden, Reptile, Sareena, Sektor, and Noob Saibot. This Mortal Kombat game builds on the story present in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance by adding Sektor, Noob Saibot, and Sareena to the plot.
- Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition is a fighting game for the Game Boy Advance. This game builds on the story present in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance by adding Sektor, Noob Saibot, and Sareena to the plot. Sektor and Noob Saibot are palette swaps of Cyrax and Scorpion respectively, while Sareena returns from the action-adventure game Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. While stressing that the sprites are 2D, this was the first Mortal Kombat titles on a handheld game console in which the movement of the characters is three-dimensional.
- Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition es el segundo de dos juegos para la Game Boy Advance de Deadly Alliance. Aunque destacó que los sprites son en 2D, éstos fueron los primeros títulos de Mortal Kombat en un juego de consola portátil en los que el movimiento de los personajes es tridimensional. La lista de personajes del MK Deadly Alliance fue dividida entre los dos títulos de GBA:
| - Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition is a fighting game for the Game Boy Advance. This game builds on the story present in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance by adding Sektor, Noob Saibot, and Sareena to the plot. Sektor and Noob Saibot are palette swaps of Cyrax and Scorpion respectively, while Sareena returns from the action-adventure game Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero. While stressing that the sprites are 2D, this was the first Mortal Kombat titles on a handheld game console in which the movement of the characters is three-dimensional. Other than the three aforementioned characters, Tournament Edition is essentially the "second half" of the Deadly Alliance portable port that began with the Game Boy Advance version. Basically, the GBA Deadly Alliance features half the cast of the console versions, while Tournament Edition features the other half. Any Deadly Alliance (console) characters that were in Deadly Alliance (GBA) are absent in Tournament Edition, and vice versa (other than Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, and Scorpion, who appear in all three games).
* Blaze, Mokap and Moloch were not included in either of the titles.
* Frost, Jax, Sub-Zero, Kano, Liu Kang, Kenshi, Kitana, Li Mei and Sonya are only included in the first Deadly Alliance.
* Bo' Rai Cho, Cyrax, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Johnny Cage, Mavado, Nitara, Raiden and Reptile were only included in the Tournament Edition.
- Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition é uma atualização do jogo Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance para o console Gameboy Advance. Seguindo a história de Mortal Kombat,Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition ocorre durante Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance e Mortal Kombat: Deception.
- Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition es el segundo de dos juegos para la Game Boy Advance de Deadly Alliance. Aunque destacó que los sprites son en 2D, éstos fueron los primeros títulos de Mortal Kombat en un juego de consola portátil en los que el movimiento de los personajes es tridimensional. La lista de personajes del MK Deadly Alliance fue dividida entre los dos títulos de GBA:
* Shang Tsung, Quan Chi y Scorpion fueron incluidos en ambos títulos.
* Blaze, Mokap y Moloch no estaban incluidos en ninguno de los títulos.
* Frost, Jax, Sub-Zero, Kano, Kung Lao, Kenshi, Kitana, Li Mei y Sonya sólo se incluyen en el primer Deadly Alliance.
* Bo' Rai Cho, Cyrax, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Johnny Cage, Mavado, Nitara, Raiden y Reptile sólo fueron incluidas en el Tournament Edition. Tournament Edition se basa en la historia de Deadly Alliance, con excepción de tres personajes que no estaban en las versiones originales. Se trata de Sektor, Noob Saibot y Sareena. Sektor y Noob Saibot aparecieron como versiones de Cyrax y Scorpion con distintos colores, respectivamente, mientras que Sareena regresa del título Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.
- Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition is a fighting game for the Game Boy Advance. The roster includes Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Scorpion, Bo' Rai Cho, Cyrax, Drahmin, Hsu Hao, Johnny Cage, Mavado, Nitara, Raiden, Reptile, Sareena, Sektor, and Noob Saibot. This Mortal Kombat game builds on the story present in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance by adding Sektor, Noob Saibot, and Sareena to the plot.