| - Sutch returned in 1983, and was immediately put into service by the Queen. His first action was to see that Maggie Thatcher was reelected as she made an excellent media smokescreen. He quietly continued to limit Soviet air power over Korea. Satisfied that he had succeeded, he took a well-deserved recess on the 1st of September, upon which absolutely nothing happened. In 1987, the Queen decided to make his presence in Politics less obvious by creating a Party for him to represent. Thus, the Monster Raving Loony Party was born. The Monster Raving Loony party quickly became immensely popular with the masses. Its manifesto struck a chord with the masses and, in the next Local Election, they won by a landslide vote and Alan Hope ( a young professional ) became the Mayor of Ashburton. He then proceeded to turn the town into a buzzing cosmopolitan city that is known to be the Las Vegas of England. Unfortunately, in 1999, the Soviets found out about David Sutch's involvement in the 100% decrease in passenger airlines being shot down, and hired a mercenary bus to take him down. The loss of Sutch saw Hope persuade his pet moggie Cat Mandu to stand for the party leadership. In a fierce contest with other official Loonies Nigel Farage and Robert Kilroy-Silk, Cat Mandu won. Farage and Kilroy-Silk subsequently joined the United Kittens Itsy-Bitsy Party (UKIP)), taking a substantial number of supporters. Cat Mandu slept off the dispute until he was mysteriously run over by a car in 2002. He remains the official leader of the party, in much the same way the North Koreans have retained Kim il-Sung as their Eternal President. Hope is the 'Acting-in-Fancy-Dress' leader until such time either Sutch or Cat Mandu come back to life and move the party further forward towards government.