| - Megadroid is the fictional editor of Sonic the Comic, overseeing the "humes who think they're in charge", ensuring the comic comes out, and hosting Speedlines. He has had four bodies, each based on video game consoles (Mega Drive, Saturn, Gamecube, and a second Mega Drive design, respectively). The first, a stocky yellow form (designed by early STC contributer, Woodrow Phoenix), lasted until the comic had a change of design in Issue 58, and Megadroid changed forms to fit with it. His new form as a sleeker, hovering form with no legs. His third form was of similar design, and he started using it at the start of Sonic the Comic Online.
| - Megadroid is the fictional editor of Sonic the Comic, overseeing the "humes who think they're in charge", ensuring the comic comes out, and hosting Speedlines. He has had four bodies, each based on video game consoles (Mega Drive, Saturn, Gamecube, and a second Mega Drive design, respectively). The first, a stocky yellow form (designed by early STC contributer, Woodrow Phoenix), lasted until the comic had a change of design in Issue 58, and Megadroid changed forms to fit with it. His new form as a sleeker, hovering form with no legs. His third form was of similar design, and he started using it at the start of Sonic the Comic Online. Megadroid's "designation" is as a "multimedia, multi-purpose, editorial server-droid with enhanced graphics and sound capabilities. His operating system is a classified prototype and his memory/storage is also classified but is said to run into "gigabytes". His favourite comic is STC, favourite Sega game back in 1993 was Flashback for the Mega Drive and his favourite food is micro-chips and oil, although as a recycling unit, he is also partial to aluminium, plastic and glass.