| - The Ecumenical Arch-Patriarch of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church, colloquially referred to as the Arch-Patriarch of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church and informally as the Papa, is the Bishop of Auroria. As the head of the Aurorian Patriarchal Church, the Arch-Patriarch is regarded as the sole legitimate successor of St. Michael, continuing the Arch-Patriarchy of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra, which the APC views itself as having re-established The combined College of Cardinals of the two Churches elected Justus XI, the former Bishop Frangiskos Pneumadoulos of Kalopia, as the first Arch-Patriarch of the new Church. The full title of the office is "His Holiness, Arch-Patriarch (NAME), Bishop of Auroria, Vicar of Elijah Hosios, Successor of St. Michael the First Apostle, Supreme Watcher and Ecumenical Arch-Patriarch of the Holy Apostolic Church, First and Equal among the Patriarchs, Father of the Bishops, Primate of Selucia, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Aurorian Province, Sovereign of the City State of the Empyrean Temple, Servant of the Faithful." (Selucian: Sua Sanctitas NN. Archi-Patriarcha, Episcopus Auroriae, Vicarius Eliae Pii, Successor Sancti Michaeli Principis Apostolorum, Summus Vigilius et Archipatriarcha Oecumenicae Sanctae Apostolicae Ecclesiae, Primus et Aequus inter Patriarchas, Pater Episcoporum, Primatus Seluciae, Archiepiscopus et metropolitanus Provinciae Auroriae, Princeps Civitatis Empyreanae, Servus Piorum)