| - I Dream of a Jeanie Bottle is a comic series by CD Rudd (also the author of SailorSun.org), in which two male friends come across an empty genie bottle. One of them (Jean, an unabashed I Dream of Jeannie fanboy) opens it and is transformed into the bottle's new occupant while the other (Neil) becomes her master. As can be expected, Hilarity Ensues. Because the comic is somewhat based on the iconic television series, expect many of the same situations to apply.
* All Men Are Perverts
* Attractive Bent Gender
* Author Appeal - Obviously, but even more so than in the creator's other Web Comic.
* Bare Your Midriff
* Be Careful What You Wish For - Inherent in the premise.
* Becoming the Genie
* Bigger on the Inside - Jean's apartment.
* Butt Monkey - Neil.
* The Cameo - Grace shows up in one strip.
* Distracted by the Sexy / Raging Stiffie - Neil cannot control himself when Jean presses herself against him or if she is wearing revealing outfits / bikinis.
* Failure Is the Only Option - As with all comics of this type, Jean will likely never be changed back no matter what she does. Made blatantly obvious by the fact that her powers are best summed up as 'can do almost anything except turn herself into something other than a genie'.
* Well, it only makes sense that the one thing she can't wish away is the very power that allows her to grant wishes in the first place.
* First Law of Gender Bending
* Follow the Leader - Jean quite often turns her best friend into a woman instead of actually doing something good with her powers. Just where have we seen this before?
* Gender Bender - Jean, of course. Also Neil sometimes, but unlike Jean, he's not locked that way forever.
* Genie in a Bottle
* Hypocritical Humor: Jean, an (implied) male chauvinist turned into the genie of his own fantasies gets upset when Neal acts like... a male chauvinist with a genie fantasy.
* Jerkass - Lord Guano and Jean are both not very nice to each other, or to Neil. The former mistakes Neil for Jean and unjustly punishes him in her stead, while the latter blames Neil for everything that goes wrong and is more concerned about what will happen to herself if Lord Guano finds out he made a mistake than restoring her supposed best friend to normal.
* Neil has called Jean out on it though, and literally ordered her with a list of demands to try and set things right. Whether she actually does or not is another matter though, but this is the first time since the comic began that Neil has really stood up to Jean.
* Neil himself is no saint, either. The second time Jean transforms him was because he made a tasteless "period" joke. You don't say things like to a woman, especially one that was a man. He has also said some other pretty ignorant comments. Really, sometimes Neil asks for it.
* There's also a good deal of Hypocritical Humor inherent in Jeanie's Irony Blindness, since all Neil is doing is living out Jean's own Genie Master fantasies.
* Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Jean, though given his situation it's understandable that he's not taking it well. Jean isn't really a bad person and he does try to do nice things, like when he/she brought breakfast to Neil once and helped Neil turn into a man again.
* Lord Error-Prone - Lord Guano. "Obtuse" just doesn't cover it.
* Literal Genie - As Rule of Funny demands.
* Magical Girlfriend - More accurately, 'Magical Best Friend', at least for now.
* Man, I Feel Like a Woman - Averted
* Ms. Fanservice - Jean.
* Neil has noticed that she has boobs now. Way to go, Neil!
* Never My Fault - When it becomes clear he's just ballsed something up, Lord Guano doesn't hesitate to accuse other people.
* Punny Name - The names of the characters correspond to the original TV show: Jean for Jeannie, Neil for Major Nelson, Belle Lows for Dr. Bellows, and an old woman is also named Ms. Eden.
* Rouge Angles of Satin/Wanton Cruelty to the Common Comma
* Running Gag - Neil will invariably end up turned into a girl and transported to a strip club for annoying Jean in some way.
* Ship Tease - Neil and Jean, from an early strip, and after that, as the page quote shows. Expect it to intensify as time goes on, if the series keeps paralleling its namesake.
* Shopping Montage - Belle takes Jean on one of these.
* Third Law of Gender Bending - The harem outfit comes with Jean's duties, but early in the series, she spent a whole comic using her powers to experiment with female clothing (including a Sailor Moon-esque magical girl, Rogue and Kim Possible's cheerleader outfit) in a "G-rated" Man, I Feel Like a Woman montage.
* Transformation Comic