| - When its creation was announced it was stated that this server would temporarily be premium-only. It was opened for free-account players on September 5, 2017. Character World Transfers to this world are impossible. This game world is one of the first three (the others being Noctera and Honbra) to be actively shielded by BattlEye and to be Tibia 11 exclusive.
- Vita is a suffix that can appear on Charms. It provides a moderate bonus to Life. It can start spawning on items at Item Level 47, but will not be able to spawn on all items with full effect until level 91.
- Vita is a spell used to summon Stone Creatures.
- Vita was the main sun in the Stellae galaxy.
- thumb|270px|Vita in der PSP-Version von Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Vita (jap. ケアル, Kearu; engl. Cure), auch unter den Namen Heilen oder Heilung bekannt, ist einer der bekanntesten Weißmagiezauber in der Final Fantasy-Reihe und regeneriert in allen Spielen eine geringe Menge an HP. Zudem fügt Vita, genau wie seine Steigerungsformen, untoten Gegnern meist Schaden zu. Siehe auch: Vitra, Vidra, Vigla, Vigra, Vitaga und Mega-Vita.
- Chercher "vita" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- #?? Life Pokémon It is said to live in the Heavens. According to legend, meeting with it's true partner will cause it's master to appear.
- Vita (English dub: /ˈviː.tə/) (Japanese: ウィータ, Wīta) is a subcategory in the Enemy Index in Xenoblade Chronicles X. It consists of Luxaar's Skell and related Satellis machines. They are all Bosses or Mission Exclusive enemies.
- Vita (ヴィータ Vīta) is a character in Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's, voiced by Asami Sanada. She appears in neither the previous series Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha nor the later story Triangle Heart but in sequels of A's. Vita is one of the Wolkenritter, a creation of the Book of Darkness. She is the most devoted of the four to Hayate Yagami, their mistress.
- La vita è quella parte del corpo posta sotto lo sterno, sopra l'anca e la capra campa, sotto l'anca la capra crepa. Venerata dalle donne e mai cagata dagli uomini, è stata ultimamente rivalutata come ottimo strumento per calcolare l'età. Infatti se noi sezioniamo una persona viva sul piano trasversale, sarà possibile notare una serie di cerchi concentrici; il numero delle circonferenze corrisponde agli anni di età. Con questo metodo è anche possibile calcolare la speranza di vita del soggetto, per la maggior parte intorno al secondo/secondo e mezzo dopo l'incisione.