| - Have you ever found yourself, alone in your in your star fighter, wondering why can't I be a success? Or maybe you have been seated in your Intragalactic Senate Meeting listening to some pompous emmissary from another planet go on and on and on about his problems, and you just wish you could push a shiny red button and blow him, but can't find the creative will to go ahead and do it? Have all your paradigms been shattered? Your change agent exposed as the poseur that that they really are? Face it: something is just stopping you from reaching your goals - something that is keeping you from the success that you irrationally feel is due you? Because its good to have ones Tarwinnian Lizards in a row, Planners from Outer Space knows best how to help you and your Overlord reach a level of excellence and success in the invasion and conquest of planets in and outside your own solar system. Why would you, a members of a race smarter than any human need a strategic plan to conquer another world? Well, just as a family vacation to Sagus 17 in season for the rising of the Eno Sun is always a hit, one must have a map, a plan, for getting the family ship to Sagus 17 is the quickest fashion possible. That plan also should have your Living Pod reserved at the best resort on the planet, or you’ll spend the next light year listening to your mate complaining out of all six of her mouths about how you should have expanded your elliptical obit of the black hole in the Crab Nubula instead of trying to take a short cut. And seriously, who wants that! Planners from Outer Space performs a similar duty as your intergalactic travel agent. Our independent consultants provide the proper perspective and dynamic professional backgrounds to make sure that your plans don’t go awry, or that you are lead by your breathing apparatus into personal pissing match between one of your Generals and an entire race of puny little people.