Attributes | Values |
| |
| - 艦隊決戦でしょ、護衛任輸送作戦、あと遠征も、だから……
- ああ、もう! ほんっっとに忙しいんだから。
- え? これ? 藤波に……うわああ、綺麗……
- ほん…とにぃ? いいの?
| |
Returning From Sortie
| |
Major Damage/En
| - Dammit... I can't, I can't! Not yet! Fujinami, is not sinking yet!
Secretary 2/Kai/En
| - Ah come on, I'm busy right now ...Later, okay?
| |
Battle Start
| |
| |
Looking At Scores
| |
| - I'm going down...
- Hey, could you, watch me...? Please, watch Fujinami... disappear...
Night Attack/En
| - Like hell I'm losing to you!
Secretary 1/En
| - What? Did you call for Fujinami?
Equipment 1/Kai/En
| - Good, I guess? Isn't too bad.
Starting A Sortie/En
| - DesDiv32, Fujinami, anchors aweigh! Got that, Ha-ma-na-mi? Follow my lead.
| - Good job, 11th of the Yuugumo-class destroyers Fujinami. Pleased to meet you Commander.
Minor Damage 1/En
| |
Secretary 2/En
| - Ah come on... I'm busy here.
Secretary 3/Kai
| - あーもう、っとに。藤波、今忙しいんだから。もぉー、ほんっとにぃ……
- 司令、今じゃなきゃ、ダメなの?
Looking At Scores/En
| - Information, huh. Well, it is important. Def.
Docking Major
| - ふーんふふーん♪ ……覗いたらダメだから! 司令、いーい!?
Minor Damage
| |
| - Good job, 11th of the Yuugumo-class destroyers Fujinami. Commander, today, lets try again ok?
Secretary 3/Kai/En
| - Commander, can't it wait?
- Oh, come on, really. Fujinami's a bit busy right now. I mean, come on...
Night Battle/En
| - We're taking them while we can! Follow me!
- I like the night, since those pesky planes aren't around...
Secretary Married/En
| - Commander, you look kinda pale... Huh, okay...
- Here. It's still hot, so watch out...
- Oh, come on! I told you! Geez.
- Do you want me to get you something warm to drink? I'll go get it...
Night Attack
| |
Night Battle
| - 夜は、五月蝿い敵機がいないから好き……
- 今のうちに仕留める! 続いて!
Equipment 1/En
| |
| - 司令、は……あー、何か忙しそ。じゃ…あ……
- あ、やほー。元気してるー? あそう、そうなんだ。
- きっひひひ。まぁ、良いけどね。ま、沖ちんも頑張んなよ。大丈夫だって。
- あ! 沖ー! 沖ちんてばー!
| - Def! I'll take it, thanks.
| - お疲れ! 夕雲型十一番艦、藤波よ。
- 司令、今日も、もち、頑張ろっか?
Joining A Fleet/En
| - DesRon2, Fujinami, moving out... Let's go!
Minor Damage 2/En
| |
Starting A Sortie
| - 三十二駆! 藤波、抜錨。 いい? はーまーなーみ? 着いてきてね。
Equipment 3/En
| |
| - Huh? Oh. So Fujinami's it? Oh, okay...
- Not bad I guess. Heeheehee. It is good, right? Right.
Secretary Married
| - 司令、ちょっと顔色悪いけど…うん、そう…
- なんか温かいもんでも入れよっか。持ってく……
- ああ! もう! 言ったのに。もう。
- はい、熱いから気をつけてよ…‥
Equipment 1/Kai
| |
Joining A Fleet
| |
Docking Minor/En
| - Aw geez. Gotta go take a bath.
| - Heya. How you doing? Uh huh, I see.
- Oh! Oki! Hey Oki-chin!
- Let's see, where the Com... Kinda busy I guess. Well, I guess...
- Heehee. Oh well. Hey, do your best out there too, Oki-chin. You'll be fine.
| - ねえ、みて、て、ね…藤波が消えていくとこ、見届けて、いて、ね……
- 沈むのか…
Secretary 3/En
| - Eh? A new mission? But I'm already working for you Commander. Come on!
- Oh come on, seriously I'm busy right now...
Secretary 2/Kai
| |
| - I'm Fujinami, the 11th ship of the Yuugumo-class, the ultimate destroyer design for fleet to fleet warfare.
- In the end I was with the famous DesRon2, participating in Operation Shou-1-go, engaging in fleet combat... Yeah, it was... rough.
- The situation was already getting pretty bad, but I did my best.
- I made my debut in DesDiv32 and then with DesRon11.
- But I did everything I could. Please remember that.
Major Damage
| - チックショォ……こんな、こんなのお! まだ! 藤波! 沈むもんか!
Battle Start/En
| - Enemy fleet sighted. Okay everyone... We're going in!
Equipment 2/En
| - Uheehee, I like it, I guess.
| - Huh? This, is for Fujinami...? Wow, it's beautiful...
- Oh come on! I am really, reaaaaally busy here.
- Oh... Um, yeah, okay...
- You're... serious? Really?
- Gotta go do fleet combat, escort duty, transport missions, and then there's the expeditions. So I...
| - かなり状況は良くなかったけど、できる限り頑張ったよ。
- 三十二駆、そして十一水戦でデビューしたんだ。
- でも、やれるだけはやったんだ。覚えておいてね。
- 最後は華の二水戦で、艦隊決戦、捷一号作戦に参加した……うん…辛かったな…
- 艦隊型駆逐艦の決定版、夕雲型の十一番艦、藤波だよ。
Docking Minor
| |
Returning From Sortie/En
| - Fleet's back. Glad they're all right, right?
Docking Major/En
| - Humhumhuuum... Hey, no peeking! You got that, Commander!?
| |
| - あーんもう、っとにぃ。忙しいんだから……
- え? 新しい任務? 今司令のためにやってんのに。もぉーーっ!!
- あぁ、もう…忙しいのに。
- なに? 藤波、呼んだ?
| - いいんじゃない? きっひひひっ。いいよね? うん。
- え? そーなんだ。藤波が? そっ、か……