The story starts out in the Muroe High School Dojo, where a Kendo teacher struggles to make it. There is only one member on the team, Kirino Chiba, a very high energy girl who tries to get her Sensei Kojiro to train her for at least an hour. Sensei Kojiro's goal is to get 5 girls for a practice match against his Senpai, Kenzuburo Ishibashi. After searching with Kirino, he finds a girl named Tamaki, who he desperately wants on the team. Nakata and Donny join the Kendo team anyway, even though they won't be participating in the 5 girls match against Ishibashi's team.
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| - Bamboo Blade Abridged Episode 1
| - The story starts out in the Muroe High School Dojo, where a Kendo teacher struggles to make it. There is only one member on the team, Kirino Chiba, a very high energy girl who tries to get her Sensei Kojiro to train her for at least an hour. Sensei Kojiro's goal is to get 5 girls for a practice match against his Senpai, Kenzuburo Ishibashi. After searching with Kirino, he finds a girl named Tamaki, who he desperately wants on the team. Nakata and Donny join the Kendo team anyway, even though they won't be participating in the 5 girls match against Ishibashi's team.
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| - SonCurran, RadioKhmerSitya
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| - Kimmy13r
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Box Title
| - Episode 01: "Quote on Quote: Adorable Girls" thumb|290px|Directed by SonCurran
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| - The story starts out in the Muroe High School Dojo, where a Kendo teacher struggles to make it. There is only one member on the team, Kirino Chiba, a very high energy girl who tries to get her Sensei Kojiro to train her for at least an hour. Sensei Kojiro's goal is to get 5 girls for a practice match against his Senpai, Kenzuburo Ishibashi. After searching with Kirino, he finds a girl named Tamaki, who he desperately wants on the team. Nakata and Donny join the Kendo team anyway, even though they won't be participating in the 5 girls match against Ishibashi's team.