In our world (the real world where Transformers is a franchise), the Heroic Autobots and the Evil Decepticons have fought in the Great War that kind of ravaged their beloved home planet of Cybertron. The Autobots fought them in order to protect the Primus Keys from falling them into evil hands. The keys were made at different Transformer dimensions. The Decepticons then launch their final attack on Cybertron with their ship Nemesis. Then the Autobots fight back with their Ark. However, the Nemesis shoots the Ark down, heading towards Earth before crashlanding. A few days later, a Transformers-obsessed fanatic Logan Oliver finds a chest full of large Primus Keys and plans to collect them. When the Autobots awaken from their 3-day coma, their signals upset Megatron, now ruler of Cybertron, a
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| - In our world (the real world where Transformers is a franchise), the Heroic Autobots and the Evil Decepticons have fought in the Great War that kind of ravaged their beloved home planet of Cybertron. The Autobots fought them in order to protect the Primus Keys from falling them into evil hands. The keys were made at different Transformer dimensions. The Decepticons then launch their final attack on Cybertron with their ship Nemesis. Then the Autobots fight back with their Ark. However, the Nemesis shoots the Ark down, heading towards Earth before crashlanding. A few days later, a Transformers-obsessed fanatic Logan Oliver finds a chest full of large Primus Keys and plans to collect them. When the Autobots awaken from their 3-day coma, their signals upset Megatron, now ruler of Cybertron, a
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| - In our world (the real world where Transformers is a franchise), the Heroic Autobots and the Evil Decepticons have fought in the Great War that kind of ravaged their beloved home planet of Cybertron. The Autobots fought them in order to protect the Primus Keys from falling them into evil hands. The keys were made at different Transformer dimensions. The Decepticons then launch their final attack on Cybertron with their ship Nemesis. Then the Autobots fight back with their Ark. However, the Nemesis shoots the Ark down, heading towards Earth before crashlanding. A few days later, a Transformers-obsessed fanatic Logan Oliver finds a chest full of large Primus Keys and plans to collect them. When the Autobots awaken from their 3-day coma, their signals upset Megatron, now ruler of Cybertron, and he vows to destroy every Autobot he can find by sending his armada to Earth! When the Decepticons attack Earth, the Autobots must take in two forms: as everyday Earth vehicles, and the forms of previous Autobots and Maximals to defeat Megatron's evil forces, while hiding in plain sight...