| - Once activated, it enables a button (File:Wealth evaluator button.png) in the inventory interface and allows unlimited use for 2 weeks (actually fourteen days after midnight (UTC) on the day of activation). This duration can be extended for each wealth evaluator bought for up to 6 months. Following an update on 27 October 2014, it can now be permanently unlocked for the cost of 3 bonds () or rented for a period of time just like before. Unlike other price checkers, it is not limited by 32 bit integers (2,147,483,647). It is likely that the checker uses a long, making the maximum wealth value 263-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807). This evaluator costs 69 Runecoins, 63 for members. Your wealth in the following areas is calculated:
* Inventory
* Worn Equipment
* Bank
* Money pouch
* Grand Exchange (offers and collection)
* Beast of Burdens
* Keepsake
* Treasure chest (Carnillean Rising)
- Once activated, it enables a button (File:Wealth evaluator button.png) in the inventory interface and allows unlimited use for 2 weeks (actually fourteen days after midnight (UTC) on the day of activation). This duration can be extended for each wealth evaluator bought for up to 6 months. It can be permanently unlocked for the cost of 480 RuneCoins in p2p and 533 RuneCoins in f2p or 3 bonds (). However, as bonds are worth 195 RuneCoins each, it is recommended to redeem the bonds for RuneCoins before purchasing a preset in order to save 105 Runecoins as a member and 52 RuneCoins as a free player. The option to rent for a limited period of time is still available. Unlike other price checkers, it is not limited by 32 bit integers (2,147,483,647). It is likely that the checker uses a long, making the maximum wealth value 263-1 (9,223,372,036,854,775,807). This evaluator costs 69 RuneCoins, 63 for members. Your wealth in the following areas is calculated:
* Inventory
* Worn Equipment
* Bank
* Grand Exchange (offers and collection)
* Money pouch
* Bond pouch
* Keepsake
* Beast of Burdens
* Keepsake box
* Lent Items
* Treasure chest (Carnillean Rising)
* Items held by Death