| - The ever-inventive ninjas have gotten their helpful hands on Invention for this week's update. Check out the best of their improvements to augmenting, disassembling, fishing rod-o-matics and so much more. Stick around for the usual live stream info and all the other things that are going on in RuneScape. Invention, and especially augmentation, has had the ninja treatment this week. Here are a few of things now in-game for you to enjoy: Level 70 and higher defenders of each combat style can now be augmented too! They only have one gizmo slot but can take either a weapon or armour gizmo. Also check out the fantastic new design that defender models have when augmented – they are all sprockety and coggy and wonderful! Upgraded malevolent, sirenic & tectonic armours (as well upgraded armours earned via God Wars Dungeon 2) can also be augmented at an Invention workbench. You will need a new armour piece, an augmentor and 36 of the Divine Charge item in order to do this. These armour pieces use their own charge, rather than a main charge pack. Once all charge has been used, the item can't be siphoned for XP but can be levelled up to 10. Already degraded armour cannot be augmented and gear upgraded in this way cannot use augmentation dissolvers. Additionally, degrading rates have decreased from 20% to 10% for non-augmented GWD2 upgraded armour when reclaimed from the gravestone. Other highlights from the ninjas include:
* All augmented items will now have disassemble rather than destroy as their right-click option. If you still wish to destroy them, this operation can be performed by dragging them from the bank.
* Single-item disassembly can now happen during combat
* Newly created fishing rod-o-matics can now stack in your bank! Existing fishing rod-o-matics that have no gizmos or item XP can be converted into this new type with a right-click option.
* Item XP and XP for next level will now appear in an augmented item's tooltip and in chat when checked during combat.
* Augmented shieldbows may now take one weapon and one armour gizmo, but not two of the same. For a complete list of additions and improvements to Invention, as well as everything else that has gone into the game this week, see the patch notes thread in the forums. Each week we stream developer Q&As, in-game events and more. Watch the streams and find a full streaming schedule on the Twitch channel. Check the YouTube channel too, for videos you may have missed including a first look at the Gower Quest. This week, look forward to: As voted for overwhelmingly by you in last year's Content Survey, we'll be reworking Mining and Smithing. This week you'll get a first chance to look at what we propose to do with the skills. This will by no means be the finished plan, but we thought you'd like to see how we're getting on – and, as ever, we'd love your feedback. Don't miss it! Fancy a sneak-peek of some of next week's Patch Notes? Tune into Mod Shauny's Friday stream! You never know – if you're lucky, you may get another look at some of the Gower Quest! Mod Lee will be hosting some Community PvM goodness live on Twitch! It's time to add a little bit of glamour to our Snapchat account. Mod Luna will be taking control this Thursday! Expect many a-selfie. Follow us at 'runescapegame' on Snapchat, and share your favourite screenshots using #JModSnapchatTakeover on Twitter and Instagram! From now until 23:59 BST on Sunday 3rd July, you can win some fantastic prizes (including a gaming laptop) in a new sweepstake-style competition for Summer 2016. For all the info, see our FAQ forum thread. Have a wonderful week!