| - Lemon Verbena is a Perfume used by Laura and Miss Beadle.
- Wikipedia Article About Lemon verbena on Wikipedia The long, slender leaves of this potent herb have an overpowering lemon-like flavor. For that reason, a light touch is necessary when adding lemon verbena (also called simply verbena) to food. It's available dried and sometimes fresh in specialty produce markets. It's used to flavor fruit salads and some sweet dishes, and for tea (Tisane). Lemon verbena is also classified as Verbena triphylla L'Hér., Verbena citriodora Cav., Lippia triphylla, Lippia citriodora, and Aloysia citriodora (Cav.) Ort.
| - Lemon Verbena is a Perfume used by Laura and Miss Beadle.
- Wikipedia Article About Lemon verbena on Wikipedia The long, slender leaves of this potent herb have an overpowering lemon-like flavor. For that reason, a light touch is necessary when adding lemon verbena (also called simply verbena) to food. It's available dried and sometimes fresh in specialty produce markets. It's used to flavor fruit salads and some sweet dishes, and for tea (Tisane). Lemon verbena or Lemon beebrush is a deciduous perennial shrub native to Peru, Argentina and Chile, and was brought to Europe by the Spanish in the 17th century. It grows to a height of 1 to 3 metres and exudes a powerful lemony scent. It prefers full sun, a lot of water, and a light loam soil, and is sensitive to cold. The light green leaves are lancet-shaped, and its tiny flowers bloom lavender or white in August or September. Lemon verbena leaves are used to add a lemony flavour to fish and poultry dishes, vegetable marinades, salad dressings, jams, puddings, and beverages. It also is used to make herbal teas and can make a refreshing sorbet. Lemon verbena is also classified as Verbena triphylla L'Hér., Verbena citriodora Cav., Lippia triphylla, Lippia citriodora, and Aloysia citriodora (Cav.) Ort.