| - A primal grove is a haven that is magically hidden by primal spirits. You use this ritual either to create a grove and an entrance to it or to create an entrance to a grove that you or someone else created. Creating a Grove: When you create a grove, it appears in a hidden location in the world or the Feywild. and you determine its password. You also create an entrance to it (see "Creating an Entrance" below). A grove generates enough food and drink to sustain its occupants and has a moderate, unchanging climate. If you move objects into a grove, they remain there when you leave, but food and other resources created by the grove disappear when removed. Your Nature check determines the grove's size in squares and how many creatures it can accommodate. Creating an Entrance: A primal grove is inaccessible, except to those who know its password and pass through an entrance to it. You use this ritual to create an entrance to a primal grove, the password of which you must know. When you create an entrance to a grove, the entrance appears in a square adjacent to you. If a creature that knows the grove's password enters that square, the creature can teleport to a square in the grove. Anyone inside the grove can exit it as part of a move action, teleporting either to an active entrance or to the most recent entrance if none are active. Your Nature check determines the duration of the entrance. When you create a grove, you use a single check to create both the grove and an entrance to it. As a minor action, you can close an entrance you created. Extraordinary magic might allow someone to enter a grove against the creator's will.