| - (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
- Mimozemský kriminálník Rao Vantika těsně před smrtí na palubě eskortní lodi, ukryje svou podstatu do doktora Bashira, který si toho není vůbec vědom. Později se v něm ale probudí Vantikova osobnost a znovuzrozený kriminálník v jeho těle pokračuje ve svých plánech a společně s několika žoldáky, které mu dohodil Quark se pokusí zmocnit transportu převážejícího Deuridium.
- Data premiery: 21 lutego 1993 Tytuł polski: Pasażer Reżyseria: Paul Lynch Scenariusz: Morgan Gendel, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Michael Piller Niebezpieczny przestępca próbuje przedłużyć swoje życie ukrywając swoją świadomość w mózgu kogoś na stacji. Zobacz także: Lista odcinków DS9 Kategoria:Odcinki DS9
- As Deep Space 9 prepares for the arrival of an important shipment, an alien criminal seeking to hijack it transfers his consciousness into a crewmember.
- Alpha-golf opwekker; autopsie; Bajoran wormgat; deflector schild; deuridium; Federatie vrachtschip; geest; hersenen; katra; Kobliad; Kobliad transport; krachtveld; Markalian; mortuarium; noodoproep; Norkova; Quark's; Reyab; Rigel VII; Rio Grande, USS; runabout; Starfleet medische academie; Starfleet veiligheid; stase; SIV; trekstraal; tricorder; veiligheids verificatie; vrachtruim; vrachtschip; Vulcans; Vulcan gedachtenversmelting; warpaandrijving; ziekenboeg.
- "The Passenger" is a song by Iggy Pop which he wrote while riding in the S-Bahn (suburban metro railway) in Berlin. The lyrics reflect the nomadic, loner spirit of a Punk outcast. David Bowie originally sang backup vocals for the repeated "La-La"s in the chorus. (thanks, Martin - Rostock, Germany, for above 2) This was also released as the B-side of the album's only single, "Success." In 1998 it became a #22 hit in the UK after featuring in a Toyota Avensis TV advert.
- "The Passenger" is a song by Iggy Pop and Ricky Gardiner, recorded and released by Iggy Pop on the Lust for Life album in 1977. It was also released as the B-side of the album's only single, "Success". In the summer of 2007 alternative rock radio stations around the USA resumed playing the song in accordance with Iggy Pop and The Stooges tour in that country.
- The Passenger aka Nadia Santos Nadia is the daughter resulting from an affair between Irina Derevko and Arvin Sloane. She is the half-sister of Sydney Bristow. According to Irina's sister Katya, Nadia was born in a Soviet prison in 1982 and was taken away from her mother the day after her birth. Identified by the Soviets as "The Passenger," a being with a "direct conduit" to Milo Rambaldi, Nadia spent the first few years of her life as the subject of experimentation, including injection with a "Rambaldi fluid" which triggered her connection to Rambaldi.The main culprit in her tourure was Dr. Zhang Lee