| - As humanity began colonizing other planets, the first alien race was discovered. They were a young and primitive looking race, but they were advancing in technology faster than Earth ever had. The Avonii were discovered as Earth was planting its third colony planet, while the Avonii were planting their first in the same place. The Avonii were small in number, outnumbered in population almost ten to one. Initial relations were very strong, and both races went through a technological revolution. As living amongst aliens became the norm, the two races became less friendly. because of extreme political, cultural, moral, and other differences, both races were worried about losing their core cultural values. After the Avonii put a caste system in place which limited the voting rights of Human ci
| - As humanity began colonizing other planets, the first alien race was discovered. They were a young and primitive looking race, but they were advancing in technology faster than Earth ever had. The Avonii were discovered as Earth was planting its third colony planet, while the Avonii were planting their first in the same place. The Avonii were small in number, outnumbered in population almost ten to one. Initial relations were very strong, and both races went through a technological revolution. As living amongst aliens became the norm, the two races became less friendly. because of extreme political, cultural, moral, and other differences, both races were worried about losing their core cultural values. After the Avonii put a caste system in place which limited the voting rights of Human citizens, and refused to conform to common international treaties, neither side had very high opinions of the other. Luckily it never came to war, or war on human terms anyway. The United nations never created enough support to take strong action quickly, while the Avonii fought a diplomatic and economic war. The Avonii population exploded very suddenly, and their numbers engulfed the developing planet. Eventually enough Avonii were in control that the human sectors seceded from their governments and Joined the Empire. From then onward Humans became a significant portion of the Avonii Empire. While their political freedom is limited, Humans are treated equal for the most part, and even have more social and economic freedom than Earth's own colonies. Currently the Avonii are still only around 3/5 the size of the Earth colonies, which does not include independent space nations. Their technology makes up for their size however, as they surpass their Human neighbors, most noticeably in miniaturization, armor, and synthetics.