| - A pink VW camper van painted with flowers has rolled into town, with assorted crystal pendants and mystic sigils hanging from the rear-view mirror. The poster stuck inside the passenger window advertises palm readings, Tarot readings, crystal therapy, blessings and occult consultations from Madame Ila Kubala, all in complete confidence and at very reasonable rates. The Usual Disclaimer: No, you can't tell she's a Mage just by looking. There are enough astrologers, fortune-tellers, 'gypsies', 'psychics' and 'spell'-pedlars out there that no, most people wouldn't leap to the conclusion she must be a Mage. They might leap to the conclusion that she couldn't possibly be a Mage- Mages tend to be as secretive as Garou about what they are, if not more so. Attempts to ferret out the fact that she is not just a regular Human should please go through myself and the Foil Wizard.