| - Bunduk is a skilled Rhodok mercenary familiar with Training, First-Aid, and Tactics. Armed with a crossbow, Bunduk is best used as infantry. Recruiting Bunduk costs 200 denars and his initial level is 9. In Warband, should he be offered a fief and a lordly title, he will accept the fief, but demand that he be called Tribune Bunduk. Giving Bunduk a fief may cause a decrease in the player's relation with some of the nobility. If elevated to lordship, Bunduk will recruit Rhodok soldiers to fight for him and man his fiefs.
| - Bunduk is a skilled Rhodok mercenary familiar with Training, First-Aid, and Tactics. Armed with a crossbow, Bunduk is best used as infantry. Recruiting Bunduk costs 200 denars and his initial level is 9. In Warband, should he be offered a fief and a lordly title, he will accept the fief, but demand that he be called Tribune Bunduk. Giving Bunduk a fief may cause a decrease in the player's relation with some of the nobility. If elevated to lordship, Bunduk will recruit Rhodok soldiers to fight for him and man his fiefs. Although he states he hates nobles, Bunduk gets along with most of them. However, Rolf gets on his nerves as he considers actual nobles to be bad enough, but those who declare themselves such, he hates, and on top of that, believes Rolf to be little more than a bandit. Meanwhile, he finds Lezalit's strict discipline and his overbearing manner in which he orders about the rest of the player's troops disagreeable, and threatens to shoot Lezalit with his crossbow if he continues. He finds a kindred spirit in Katrin, however, as both of them are "old dogs" of Calradia who can show the younger fighters a thing or two. Bunduk is a skilled crossbowman who once served in the Rhodok militia, in his time in the army. He saw the nobility being irresponsible and cruel to their soldiers and dislikes the aristocracy as a result. He left the army one day to become a wandering mercenary when his resentment reached boiling point. If the party travels near Grunwalder Castle with Bunduk, he will tell you some of the history of the castle. He will tell you that when the Swadians attacked, a man named Grunwalder taught the people how to shoot their crossbows and stand in one line in order to stop a Swadian charge in their tracks. Grunwalder was killed in action, but the castle built on his final resting place was named in his memory.