| - The HoloNet, the full name being Holographic Network, was a galaxy-spanning network used for communication and media purposes by the Galactic Republic and other outlying star systems. The HoloNet was devised by Jonathan Bac during his fourth year as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic to be used as a network of basic holographic information. There would be three branches created for the network, the first two being classified for the government and the military and the third being a public news network. After three years of work, the system was put in place. Messages were routed along millions of non-mass transceivers buried in hyperspace and routed through massive computers to reach their very distant destinations. The technology allowed data to be sent and received faster than the speed of lead, ensuring near-instantaneous communication to thousands of worlds. This proved to be a major asset to politicians contacting their home worlds. At Bac's request, the designers of the system also made sure that information transmitted through the HoloNet, would be nearly impossible to capture by spies. Because of this and the technology that went into creating the system itself, it was an extremely costly venture. However, within the span of one year, it became one of the major methods of communication in the Galactic Republic. Many outlying factions also began working on systems similar to it. Despite the obvious benefits, there were those who were opposed to it. These outspoken people, mainly those people who were against the democratic-republican system of government and the capitalistic economy that had been created for the Republic, claimed that the HoloNet was created only to be used as a tool for the government to spread propaganda about their intentions in the galaxy and what they were doing on a day to day basis. They claimed as evidence the fact that Bac had ensured the HoloNet would be nearly impossible to hack into, stating that even though the government said it was to prevent enemy spies from gaining access to critical information it was really so the citizens of the galaxy would not know the government's true motives. These citizens organized mass protests in the years after Bac's death to speak out against the HoloNet, though as support continued to drop throughout the galaxy the leaders of the movements became disgruntled and ended their fights against what they perceived to be a tyrannical system of government. The Republic was able to prove the critics wrong over the thousands of years that it was in use. The news channels on the HoloNet were renowned by many, though there were accusations of bias throughout the years. The most notable media conglomerate was Coruscanti Central Broadcasting. The network reported many stories for thousands of years, including being the first to reports on events during the Invasion of Utapau.