The FN CAL (Carabine Automatique Légère) was the Belgian arms manufacturer Fabrique Nationale's first 5.56 mm rifle.
FN CAL (сокр. от Carabine Automatique Legere, фр. Легкий Автоматический Карабин) — бельгийский автомат. Производство автомата было прекращено из-за высокой себестоимости и низкой надёжности, на замену данной модели пришёл автомат FN FNC.
The CAL (Carabine Automatique Légère) was a Belgian weapon manufactured by Fabrique Nationale. It was the first 5.56 mm rifle produced by the Fabrique Nationale. It resembled the company's highly successful FN FAL, but was an original design. Unlike the FAL, it was a market failure, although its development led to the reasonably successful FN FNC.
The FN CAL is a Belgian carbine manufactured by FN Herstal. It chambers the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge.
De FN CAL is een 5.56x45mm NAVO licht aanvalsgeweer van de |Belgische wapenfabrikant Fabrique Nationale de Herstal. CAL staat voor het Franse Carabine Automatique Légère.