| - The sleeping bag is a constructible settlement objects and world objects in Fallout 4 and its add-on Vault-Tec Workshop.
- A sleeping bag is a protective "bag" for a person to sleep in, essentially a blanket that can be closed with a zipper or similar means, and functions as a bed in situations where it is impractical to carry around a full bed, such as when camping, backpacking, hiking or climbing). Its primary purpose is to provide warmth and thermal insulation. It also protects, to some extent, against wind chill, precipitation, and exposure, but a tent performs those functions better. The bottom surface also provides some cushioning, but a sleeping pad is usually used in addition for that purpose. A bivouac sack is a waterproof cover for a sleeping bag that may be used in place of a tent for lightweight travelers or as a backup if inclement weather occurs.
- thumb|Sleeping bag, joka on Musicianin vieressä.Sleeping bag oli tavara RuneScape Classicissa, jota käytettiin nukkumiseen. Aina jotain skilliä kehittäessä piti välillä nukkua, jos Fatique nousi korkealle. Sleeping bagit kuitenkin jostakin syystä poistettiin RuneScapesta. Luultavasti sen takia, että on tyhmää nukkua kaikenaikaa. Sleeping bagin voi nähdä nyky RuneScapessakin, nimittäin erään wildernessissä sijaitsevan Drunken Musicianin vieressä on sleeping bag. Luokka:Tavarat
- There was also an ALF sleeping bag that had a picture of ALF printed on it with a word bubble saying, "No Problem!"
- The Sleeping Bag can only be used at save points or on the World Map.
- In 2152, several crewmembers of Enterprise NX-01 brought their sleeping bags and mats with them to the catwalk when they were forced to stay at the catwalk for several days. (ENT: "The Catwalk") The term sleeping bag comes from the call sheets of the episode.
- In een Sleeping Bag kon je op Runescape Classic gaan slapen, om je Fatigue naar beneden te halen. Het item is niet teruggekeerd in RS2, en kwam uit op 27 mei 2003.
- A sleeping bag was a general piece of survival equipment that was commonly sold throughout the galaxy for fifteen credits.
- The Sleeping Bag was a floor furniture item in Club Penguin. It was a bait item, so perming it resulted in a ban.
- Sleeping bags for are similar to those for adults, but are designed for use indoors, as an alternative or supplement to blankets. They generally have arm holes or sleeves. They can't be kicked off during the night, so the baby won't get cold due to a lack of bedding.
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Sleeping Bag is a consumable in FarmVille. Players needed to collect these items as part of the Wildlife Adventure Countdown, a 12 days activity.
- A Sleeping Bag is used to reduce fatigue in skills by selecting the sleep option. It is a portable bed. When used, a random word appears that a player must type into a text box to continue playing. This feature was added as a way to combat autoers, though it greatly affected legitimate players. Autoers had found ways to circumvent the fatigue system by using programs that type in the needed random word (using Wikipedia:optical character recognition or crowdsourcing). Upon the transition to RuneScape 2, the fatigue system was replaced with Random Events with the sleeping bag removed.