| - Returns a single target corpse to life with full hit points.
- History of location is unknown.
- Write the first section of your article here.
- (1) Las fechas de emisión y rating/ranking corresponden a Estados Unidos
- Resurrection can refer to different ideas, it seems the concept isn't unique to Christianity.
- Sprawy się ponownie komplikują, w miarę jak Emily delikatnie steruje powrotem do życia Graysonów, pozostając jednocześnie związana z Amandą i jej nienarodzonym dzieckiem. Emily, w ramach zemsty za pozbawienie jej ojca, planuje odebrać Victorii córkę.
- Resurrection is the power to revive the deceased. It is an extremely difficult power to harness. Shortly after Death was killed, the reaper Billie announced that what died will stay dead.
- Caster Level(s): Cleric 7 Innate Level: 7 School: Conjuration Descriptor(s): Component(s): Verbal, Somantic Range: Touch Area of Effect / Target: Single Duration: Instant Additional Counter Spells: Save: Harmless Spell Resistance: No Description: Returns a single target corpse to life with full Hit Points. If cast by a Cleric (eg. not from an item), it will also reduce the XP debt by 25%.
- The mirror universe Bareil arrives on Deep Space 9 and Kira finds herself falling in love with him.
- Resurrection is the act of bringing a character back to to life. See the Resurrecting page for details.
- Resurrection is published by Oni Press. Price per issue is $3.50.
- Resurrection is the twenty-first episode of Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, and the premiere episode of season 3.
- The Chalanan power to revive the dead.
* Before a body can be revived, its damage must be healed.
* The healer must then travel to the Underworld to recover the soul.
* The soul must be contacted before it reaches Havan Vor and persuaded to return to life.
* Sometimes the dead resists the healer.
* Sometimes it causes Relife Sickness even if the ritual is successful.
- Resurrection (レイズデッド Reizudeddo?, "Raise Dead") is a classic healing and recovery spell in the Tales series. It appears in nearly all of the games, lending to its importance throughout the series. Tales of Rebirth and Tales of Zestiria are the only Mothership Titles in the series thus far not to feature the move.
- Resurrect a dead party member.
- Resurrection is a in Demon's Souls.
- Star Wars: Resurrection is an adaptation of the short story of the same name from Star Wars Tales #11, written by Ron Marz. The audio drama was adapted by Ted Alderman, Southern Cross Productions, and Same BKG Studios. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Jonathan Doors makes a shock appearance, broadcasting a pirate program during the most watched television event, telling the world that the Taelons are conspiring against humanity. As a result, Da'an is relieved of his duties on Earth, replaced with the more acerbic and ambitious Zo'or.
- Resurrection is a track in the BIOHAZARD CODE:Veronica ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK. It also appears in the expanded BIOHAZARD CODE:Veronica Complete ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK.
- Resurrection is a Determination deck specific effect card. When used it adds a random dead card of yours back into your hand in its original form. Cards lost via a full hand can also be resurrected. Soul Type: Determination Cost: 1 Effect: Resurrect a random dead monster from your graveyard. Rarity: White (Common)
- The ability to bring themselves or others back to life.
- Resurrection is a spell which resurrects the target, and recovers a part of the previous experience points lost due to the death.
- Spell level: cleric 7 Innate level: 7 School: conjuration Components: verbal, somatic Range: touch Area of effect: single Duration: instant Save: harmless Spell resistance: no Description: Returns a single target corpse to life with full hit points.
- Resurrection is both a skill and a spell in Heroes of Might and Magic IV.
- In 2154, T'Pol asked Trip Tucker if she could do anything for him. Tucker, still hurting from the loss of several Enterprise NX-01 crewmen (which renewed his grief over his sister), replied, "Not unless you can resurrect the dead." (ENT: "The Forgotten")
- The girl said that she was capable of raising anything dead back to life, just by concentrating on the being. A beam of energy would emit from her hand and go inside the being's body, which would then return to life. Any injuries that the being had suffered before dying would remain, but would be painless and harmless to him, her or it in future. It is unknown if the being would still be vulnerable to pain after being resurrected.
- "Resurrection" is the nineteenth episode of the seventh season of Stargate SG-1.
- "Resurrection" is the nineteenth episode of the seventh season of Stargate SG-1.
- Resurrection is an Uncommon Instant Spell (sometimes considered a Summoning Spell) belonging to the File:Icon Life.png realm. It may only be cast on the overland map. For the base Casting Cost of File:Icon Mana.png , the spell will bring a single Hero back to life after being slain earlier in the campaign. The spell will only bring back Heroes that were under the wizard's command at some point. Resurrected Heroes come back with the same File:Icon Experience Level.png they had before they died, the same abilities they had, and 100% full File:Icon Hits.png . Resurrection may only be used if the wizard does not currently have 6 Heroes at his/her service.
- "Resurrection" is the first episode of Season 3 of Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, and the twenty-first episode of the series overall. It originally aired on July 27th, 2008 .
- While his father is awaiting surgery, Clark runs into a classmate, Garrett Davis whose brother Vince just died from liver failure. However, everyone is shocked when Vince shows up alive and seemingly well - until his liver starts failing again. In a desperate attempt to keep his brother alive, Garrett straps a kryptonite bomb to himself and demands that Vince be given a liver transplant or he will blow up the hospital.
- Resurrection is the first episode in season seven of CSI: Miami.
- In the ruins, players might encounter an angel fighting back the demonic horde. He will ask for assistance in stopping the demon lord Tarthess, who is trying to resurrect its ancestor and master buried nearby. The monster is found in the end of the bridge, past several Barbed Lurkers and Warscarred Marauders. Killing it will finish the event, and the angel will thank The Nephalem for help. There is a chance to find a Resplendent Chest nearby, but it is independent from the event.
- Still shocked after Iolaus' death, Hercules leaves Sumeria and is shipwrecked. He arrives to Eire, where he's recognized as the Chosen One and faces an evil demigoddess called Morrigan who is trying to kill the druids.
- Resurrection is the thirty-sixth and penultimate episode of Power Rangers: SPD.
- Resurrection is a spell available to the Lunar spellbook. When cast it sends the player right back to their gravestone. This can only be cast once a day.
- Verliert ein Mitspieler bei einem Kampf alle HP wird er bewußtlos. Mit Resurrection kann man diesen Spieler an Ort und Stelle wiederbeleben und ihm gleichzeitig ein paar HP geben. Damit ist dieser Skill besonders beim Supporten sehr gefragt. Natürlich verliert man auch beim wiederbeleben (ressen) ein paar Erfahrungspunkte (EXP). Wieviele das sind hängt davon ab, wie hoch der Assist/Billposter/Ringmaster Ressurection geskillt hat. Meist wird dieser Skill allerdings nur wenig gelevelt. Der Unterschied zum normalen wiederbeleben ist also meist gering oder gleich Null.Man wird an Ort und stelle wiederbelebt d.h man muss nicht loadstar drücken und wieder dahin laufen.
- Resurrection was the concept of a living being coming back to life after death. It is a religious concept, where it is used in a belief in the resurrection of individual souls that is current and ongoing. In a number of ancient religions, a life-death-rebirth deity is a deity which dies and resurrects. The soul is believed by some to be the divine and immortal part of the human being, and some believe it is the actual vehicle by which people are resurrected.
- Resurrection is a 48-page comic story that appeared in Star Wars Tales 9 and collected in Star Wars Tales Volume 3. The story was written by Ron Marz, with pencils by Rick Leonardi, inks by Terry Austin, letters by Steve Dutro and colors by Raul Trevino. It takes place shortly before the Battle of Yavin.
- Resurrection, eternal life, and reincarnation are recurring themes on Lost. Christian, Egyptian, and Native American symbols have been used to reinforce these themes. As stated in an official podcast, the producers are creating a “resurrection theme”.
- Resurrection is a Gene Tonic in BioShock 2 Multiplayer unlocked at Rank 40. When equipped, it allows the player to resurrect with very low health after being killed, and causes the death to not be counted. This tonic can only be activated once per life. This tonic will not activate if the player is killed by being shattered from Winter Blast, as there is no body to resurrect.
- The spirits of a destroyed ship's crew are psionically transfered to the crew of the target ship, boosting the target ship's level to that of the destroyed one. Extracted from the game.
- Resurrection revives a dead character using 1 Blue Gemstone. When used on Undead property monsters (excluding ones that are also Boss flagged), it has the same effect (and chance and cast delay) as Turn Undead.
- In fiction there are various way to resurrect a person, either through time manipulation, magic, reality warping, life force manipulation, or science. There are also different types of resurrections, some as simple bring the person back to life as if they never died, some characters in fiction can resurrect themselves should they die, and of course good ol' incomplete resurrection often resulting in zombies or another form of undead.
- "Resurrection" är det nittonde avsnittet av sjunde säsongen av Stargate SG-1.
- Resurrection returns a single dead player to life. Acts as Turn Undead when used against Undead property monsters. Each cast consumes a Blue Gemstone.
- That means you cannot resurrect secondary heroes like Lucian, The Black Wind, or Herne, and you cannot resurrect Religious Heroes like Sphener.
- Level: Components: Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: Target: Duration: Saving Throw: Spell Resistance:
- The user can bring oneself and others back to life.
- Resurrection is a secret ritual place to pray for the Shadow King's return. In order to resurrect the evil king, rituals and a number of caged sacrificial fighters need take place. People who were abducted to this secret area have never been seen ever again. There are only rumors that the location probably exists outside the planet, but the actual location or transportation means to this place of darkness is unknown.
- Resurrection is a console command for the PC versions of Oblivion and Skyrim.
- Fairly obvious what it does, less obvious that it's of very little use, due to the fact that there are scrolls which do exactly the same thing which don't cost that much. For an FS needing every point they can get, it's probably better not to get this and ask your party to get scrolls instead.
- Resurrection is the thirteenth episode of the second season of The 100. It is the twenty-sixth episode of the series overall.
- Resurrection (リザレクション, Rizarekushon) is one of Gill's Super Arts in the Street Fighter III series.
- Resurrection is the 2nd episode of Season 2 also the 24th episode overall.
- The movie was written by Lewis John Carlino and directed by Daniel Petrie. It was nominated for two Academy Awards; one for Best Actress in a Leading Role (Ellen Burstyn) and another for Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Eva Le Gallienne). In 2010, this film was released on DVD as part of the Universal Vault Series of DVD-on-Demand titles. A novelization was written by George Gipe.
- TCW Resurrection is the biggest PPV event of the year. It is TCW's "Super Bowl". This is the event where you want to be noticed. Every TCW Star longs for a spot on the card at this PPV event. It is the defining moment for a career to leave victorious at Resurrection. This is the only event in which the TCW World Heavyweight Champion is considered to be an underdog. And for good reason. Since it's inception in 2004, Only one TCW World Champion has successfully defended the World Championship at this event.
- Resurrection is the fourteenth episode of the seventh season of Castle.
- Resurrection was a different form of magic from reanimation, in which the deceased was raised as a soulless zombie.
- Ellen Burstyn plays Edna McCauley, the wife of a man (Jeffrey DeMunn) who is killed in an auto crash. Edna herself survives, but not before enduring an "out-of body" experience. Crippled in the accident, Edna heads to her hometown in Kansas to recuperate. There she discovers that she has the power to heal people, presumably a byproduct of her brief trip into the beyond. She accepts her gift, but resists the notion that she has been blessed with divine powers. On the other hand, her young lover (Sam Shepard) believes that she is the embodiment of Jesus Christ. It is his method of proving his hypothesis that brings the film to its startling conclusion. Both Ellen Burstyn and Eva Le Gallienne (as Burstyn's grandmother) were nominated for Academy Awards.
- Alvas; Bajor (spiegel); Bajoran faser; Bajoran taal; bloedwijn; Danube-klasse; Dominion oorlog; Excelsior-klasse; Hawk, USS; Kava; mek'leth; Spiegel universum; Triskelion.
- The resurrection is an instrumental occurrence to Christianity. As Paul puts it in the Bible, If Christ was not resurrected, then our faith is in vain. ((1 Corinthians 15:14) Christ's resurrection pretty much proved that He was indeed God and was the Messiah, and afterwards, Christ appeared to many people. Some people claim there is a contradiction in the resurrection account however, due to the Gospels each saying somebody else saw Jesus. However, it is most likely that either some writers did not include some people because they did not know about it, (They weren't omniscient) or because the testimony of women in Jewish society back then did not hold much weight, so they were simply not mentioned in an account possibly to make the gospels more convincing and authoritative. Rest assured h
- Yu Gang-Hyuk tenía sólo 7 años cuando su padre murió en un "accidente" de coche y fue separado de su hermano gemelo, Yu Shin-Hyuk. Se olvidó de su nombre y de su familia y recibió el nombre de Suh Ha-Eun por su padre adoptivo Suh Jae-soo. Él se enamora de su hermana adoptiva Eun-ah e intenta ser hornrado sobre eso. Él fue conducido para hacerse polícia debido a la placa de su padre. Investigando un caso de presunto suicidio, se entera de su hermano gemelo. En contra de las advertencias recibidas, Ha-Eun se implica cada vez más en este caso sospechoso. Por otra parte Ah-Eun es el blanco de un golpe por parte de unos desconocidos. Y cuando Ha-Eun y Shin-Hyuk finalmente se encuentran por primera vez después de veinte años, los asesinos matan a Shin-Hyuk accidentalmente confundiéndolo con Ha-E
- In the Bible, the resurrection is when the dead are raised back to life. The central part of the gospel message of Christianity is that Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, has risen from the dead on the third day. Those who are believers in God and Jesus Christ are resurrected unto eternal life, and those who are not believers are resurrected unto eternal judgment. Those who are worthy to obtain the resurrection unto eternal life will receive a glorified body like that of Jesus, who has proven this by being raised from the dead after three days of being laid in the tomb following His crucifixion.
- This article is about the warpriest utility power. For the ritual, see Raise Dead. Resurrection cleric utility Daily (Special) ✦ Requirement: Resurrection must be used at the end of an extended rest. Target: one dead creature that has been dead no longer than 24 hours Effect: "The target is restored to life with full hit points and healing surges. The target takes a −1 penalty to attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws until it has reached three milestones or taken three extended rests."
- Resurrection (Japanese: 復活リザレクション, Kanji translation: Restore Living, Romaji: rizarekushon) is a powerful white magic healing spell. This spell heals the wound(s) of a target by using energy drawn from nearby life forms. Resurrection doesn't have the drawback of Recovery, where only the recipient's own energy is utilized, creating a chance that a seriously wounded target might die from exhaustion. Someone who needs this spell will have to be healed with all possible speed. However, the spell is more complex and the casting time is longer, as compared to Recovery, so it is used by accomplished white magic casters only, preferably outside of a battle.
- Resurrection or Fallout 1.5: Resurrection is a Czech Total conversion mod for Fallout 2. Its Czech version was released on 3rd October 2013. The English translation was released in July 2016. Quoting from the official site: "Fallout 1.5: Resurrection is a currently developed mod for Fallout 2, with a completely new story taking place in the Fallout universe. The plot will take place in the time between Fallout 1 & 2, east of the future NCR, therefore roughly in New Mexico. Thus in the game you won’t find the original, but entirely new, creative, locations, which gave us more freedom with the story.
- You touch a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, that didn’t die of old age, and that isn’t undead. If its soul is free and willing, the target returns to life with all its hit points. This spell neutralizes any poisons and cures normal diseases afflicting the creature when it died. It doesn’t, however, remove magical diseases, curses, and the like; if such effects aren't removed prior to casting the spell, they afflict the target on its return to life. This spell closes all mortal wounds and restores any missing body parts.
- There is no way to know if a corpse belongs to the priest's faction or not except by inspecting it visually. If the corpse does belong to the priest's faction:
* It is possible to tell whether the player is still online or not by typing "/who playername."
* A response of "0 players found" indicates that the player has logged off (or is of the wrong faction).
* A response giving the target's race, level, and class indicates that the player is still online and can be successfully resurrected. Releasing There are some common misconceptions involving Resurrection and releasing.
- Resurrection is the rare ability to either bring oneself or others back to life after being killed or vanquished. While resurrection is a power on its own, the process can also be accomplished through other means, including spells or rituals. Resurrection is most often possessed by powerful beings, including the Avatars and the Crone. Some Alchemists possess this power, like Kierkan, while others can only control the dead. Lazarus Demons can resurrect themselves after being reduced to ashes, this is a natural process that can only stopped by burying them in a cemetery.
- Ресуррекшн (яп.: リザレクション; букв. перевод: Возрождение; англ.: Resurrection; ромадзи: rizarekushon) — мощное лечащее заклинание Белой магии. Заклятье восстанавливает жизненную силу человека, забирая ее у находящихся рядом жизненных форм. Из-за принципа действия у этого заклинания нет таких серьезных побочных эффектов, как у Recovery, и оно может использоваться даже на смертельно раненых целях без опасений, что будет использоваться его жизненная сила. Один минус в сторону Ресуррекшн - его произнесение требует много времени, так что его использование предпочтительно вне битвы.
- 7th-level necromancy Casting Time: 1 hour Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a diamond worth at least 1,000 gp, which the spell consumes) Duration: Instantaneous You touch a dead creature that has been dead for no more than a century, that didn’t die of old age, and that isn’t undead. If its soul is free and willing, the target returns to life with all its hit points. This spell closes all mortal wounds and restores any missing body parts.
- The most action packed video in the series. "Resurrection" opens with deserted shots. Randy gives a voice over on how spirits roam free in Autumn. It is explained that Ember is one of the good spirits. Starting exactly where "Extinction" concluded (July 2014), Randy closes his bedroom door and makes his way to the closet. He finds the Frog and Whale are missing. Ember explains that she threw them in the trash, causing Randy to freak out. He goes on saying that he respects the dead enough to give them a proper burial. Ember tells him to get over it and move on with his life. FACTS
- The soul is believed by some to be the divine and immortal part of the human being, and some believe it is the actual vehicle by which people are resurrected. Theological debate ensues with regard to what kind of resurrection is factual – either a spiritual resurrection with a spirit body into Heaven, or a material resurrection with a restored human body. While most Christians believe Jesus' resurrection from the dead and ascension to Heaven was in a material body, a very small minority believe it was spiritual.
- Resurrection is the ability to return to life after having died. It is different from reincarnation in that the affected character is not physically reborn as an infant, but rather, they return to life possessing the same physical characteristics that they maintained prior to being killed. In many cases, resurrected beings also maintain all of the memories they once possessed prior to their death, but this is not always the case. Resurrection should not be confused with Immortality, which represents a character's ability to live forever without fear of aging or dying.
- Resurrection (Japanese 復活 Fukkatsu) is a damage-dealing Angel-type move introduced in the Fanon Generation. It is the signature move of Tenshinion.
* Category: Special
* Type: Angel
* Does not make contact
* Affected by Protect
* Not affected by Magic Coat
* Not affected by Snatch
* Not affected by King's Rock
* Introduced in Fanon Generation
* Can only be learned by Tenshinion
* POWER: 70 (+ 5 every time it is used)
* 10 PP _________________ _________________
- Picking up where the prologue left off, Heller is being experimented on in a Gentek lab in the Yellow Zone. He is released, only to be faced with a horde of Infected. He easily bests them, and demands his release. The presiding Col. Rooks and Dr. Koenig release three more Infected hordes. As Heller easily defeats them, Rooks exclaims Heller is too powerful, and orders Lt. Riley to burn him (Heller). Rooks sends two grunts to investigate Heller's corpse. However, as soon as they do, Heller leaps up and consumes one, while more Infected are released. Koenig screams loudly for Heller to consume them to regain his health, while Riley attempts a second burning. Rooks departs, ordering Riley to remain behind and ensure the Infected are purged. The moment he leaves, however, Heller tears the oper