| - Free Ranger is a Storm Chicken in Skylanders: Swap Force. He is voiced by Joey Camen who also voiced Terrafin and Boomer.
- -Sarge-Leader of the Free Rangers. -Private Memphis-First class private and good friend of sarge. -The Sandersons' Chibi-Robo-Ununiformed soldier. -Tex, Jersey, Denver, Nawlins, Fargo, Orlando, Detroit, Frisco, Oregon, Montana, Tucson, and Houston Two Free Rangers wearing mining hats. They accompany Sarge in Welcome Home Chibi Robo!,residing in the basement.
| - Free Ranger is a Storm Chicken in Skylanders: Swap Force. He is voiced by Joey Camen who also voiced Terrafin and Boomer.
- -Sarge-Leader of the Free Rangers. -Private Memphis-First class private and good friend of sarge. -The Sandersons' Chibi-Robo-Ununiformed soldier. -Tex, Jersey, Denver, Nawlins, Fargo, Orlando, Detroit, Frisco, Oregon, Montana, Tucson, and Houston Two Free Rangers wearing mining hats. They accompany Sarge in Welcome Home Chibi Robo!,residing in the basement.