| - Rule: No rules. Superpower Holder: Millie. Brightheart: I am SO glad Bumblestripe is gone! Cinderpelt: Let's have a party! Purdy: YAY! I CAN TELL STORIES! (Everyone falls asleep) Purdy: Ok, I won't then (Everyone wakes up) Purdy: You guys are just mean... Millie: MAH BUMBLEH! NUUUUUUUUUUUUU! (basket of prawns lands in front of her) Millie: Ooh, prawns! Darkstripe: And that is how to get someone to stop crying. Jayfeather: GRUMPEH YAY! Willowpelt: I LIKE UMA NAMA URCHINS! Sorreltail: I still hate you, even if that was impressive. Darkstripe: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Thrushpelt: OMMY NOMMY NOMMY HOTDOG! NOMMMMMM! Aquasplash: Eww! You got hotdog on me! Scarletpaw: Who wants a scone? Aquasplash: Ewwwwwww. Scarletpaw: NUUUUUUUUUUUU! Time to eat my scones in the depression pod. (climbs in to depression pod) Big Brother: All housmates to the lounge. Scarletpaw: NUUUUUUUUUUU! (in the lounge) Big Brother: Housemates, it's time to nominate. There are NO RULES this week. Cinderpelt: (throws a cookie at Jayfeather) Jayfeather: Grump! D: Big Brother: Except for that. Cinderpelt: (throws an ice cream at Jayfeather) Big Brother: And that Cinderpelt: (throws easter eggs at Jayfeather) Jayfeather: GRUMPEH GRUMP! Big Brother: And that Cinderpelt: (throws a carrot at Jayfeather) Big Brother: And that. Cinderpelt: (picks up scone) Scarletpaw: WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!? Big Brother: Cinderpelt, if you throw one more thing at Jayfeather you'll go to the doghouse Cinderpelt: (throws scone at Big Brother) Big Brother: Hey! D: Now as I was saying before I was hit with a scone, Bumblestripe had a superpower to give out. Here he is. Bumblestripe: I DON'T WANNA RECORD A VIDEO MESSAGE! Big Brother: Too bad. Bumblestripe: FINE! I GIVE IT TO MILLIE! Millie: YAY! Big Brother: Millie, go straight to the Diary Room. Everyone else to the nominations room (in the nominations room) Big Brother: Cinderpelt to the chamber (Cinderpelt enters) Big Brother: Cinderpelt, nominate now. Cinderpelt: For 4 points I nominate PURDY because he's always quiet and never makes an effort to talk. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Cinderpelt: For 1 point I nominate JAYFEATHER, because even though it's fun to throw things at him, he might nominate me! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: PURDY 4 JAYFEATHER 1 Aquasplash 0 Brightheart 0 Cinderpelt 0 Darkstripe 0 Millie 0 Scarletpaw 0 Shoalfoot 0 Sorreltail 0 Thrushpelt 0 Willowpelt 0 Big Brother: Aquasplash, to the chamber (Aquasplash enters) Big Brother: Aquasplash, nominate now. Aquasplash: For 4 points I nominate MILLIE for hating Taylor Swift! Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Aquasplash: For 1 point I nominate THRUSHPELT for getting hot dog on me! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: MILLIE 4 PURDY 4 JAYFEATHER 1 THRUSHPELT 1 Aquasplash 0 Brightheart 0 Cinderpelt 0 Darkstripe 0 Scarletpaw 0 Shoalfoot 0 Sorreltail 0 Willowpelt 0 Big Brother: Sorreltail, to the chamber (Sorreltail enters) Big Brother: Sorreltail, nominate now. Sorreltail: For 3 points I nominate DARKSTRIPE because he's Darkstripe. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Sorreltail: For 2 points I nominate AQUASPLASH because she's terrifying. Big Brother: Accepted. Table: MILLIE 4 PURDY 4 DARKSTRIPE 3 Aquasplash 2 Jayfeather 1 Thrushpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Cinderpelt 0 Scarletpaw 0 Shoalfoot 0 Sorreltail 0 Willowpelt 0 (crosses to Diary Room) Big Brother: Millie, it's time to nominate/ Millie: What's my power?? Big Brother: Wll, I'm gonna give you two choices. Millie: Ooh! Big Brother: You can have your power OR you can have a 1 day leave pass to see your family. Millie: LEAVE PASS! LEAVE PASS! Big Brother: Leave pass it is. Wanna know what your power waas? Millie: *nods* Big Brother: You could nominate one cat and it would instantly put them up for nomination. Millie: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! Big Brother: Nominate now. Millie: 4 to AQUASPLASH for torturing me through Taylor Swift Big Brother: Accepted. Millie: And one point to JAYFEATHER because it's about time we realised what a threat he is. Big Brother: Accepted. Here's your leave pass. A limo will pick you up in the Daily Show. Millie: Ok! Table: AQUASPLASH 6 MILLIE 4 PURDY 4 Darkstripe 3 Jayfeather 2 Thrushpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Cinderpelt 0 Scarletpaw 0 Shoalfoot 0 Sorreltail 0 Willowpelt 0 Big Brother: Jayfeather, to the chamber (Jayfeather enters) Big Brother: (gets out Grump-English dictionary) Nominate now. Jayfeather: Grumpity Sayagrump Naragrump. Grumpity Grumpsay Grump. Grumpity grumpeh grumpeh grumpeh grumpno. Big Brother: So... You nominate CINDERPELT for 4 points 'cause she throws things at you? Jayfeathr: *nods* Big Brother: Accepted. You have 1 point left. Jayfeather: Grumpeth grumpeteh grumpeteh grump grump. Big Brother: You nominate MILLIE because she's weird and likes prawns too much? Jayfeather: (nods) Big Brother: Accepted. Table: AQUASPLASH 6 MILLIE 5 PURDY 4 CINDERPELT 4 Darkstripe 3 Jayfeather 2 Thrushpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Darkstripe 0 Scarletpaw 0 Shoalfoot 0 Sorreltail 0 Willowpelt 0 Big Brother: Now to call Shoalfoot! (logs on to skype and dials Shoalfoot) (30 seconds later) (no answer) Big Brother: DANGIT! (dails again) Shoalfoot: (hangs up) Big Brother: (in IM) ANSWERRRRRRRRRRRRRR (dials again) Shoalfoot: (answers) WHAT? WHY MUST YOU CALL AT MIDNIGHT!? Big Brother: It's time to nominate. Shoalfoot: I nominate YOU for waking me up. Big Brother: Can't do that. Shoalfoot: You suck. Fine then, I nominate PURDY for 3 points cause he makes no effort to talk to me. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Shoalfoot: For 2 points I nominate... (super long yawn)... See, this is what happens. For 2 points I nominate (super long yawn) Big Brother: (taps foot) Come on, you're using our internet. Shaolfoot: For 2 points I nominate (super long yawn) Big Brother: Stop yawning! Shoalfoot: I can't help it! Call me at 10PM next time! Big Brother: Sorry then. Shoalfoot: I nominate JAYFEATHER for 2 points cause he's good at challenges. Big Brother: Accepted. Night Shoalfoot. Shoalfoot: (hangs up) Big Brother: D: Table: PURDY 7 AQUASPLASH 6 MILLIE 5 Cinderpelt 4 Jayfeather 4 Darkstripe 3 Thrushpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Scarletpaw 0 Shoalfoot 0 Sorreltail 0 Willowpelt 0 Big Brother: Purdy, to the chamber (Purdy enters) Big Brother: Purdy, nominate now Purdy: For 3 points I nominate SCARLETPAW because she likes tea more than me. Big Brother: Accepted. Purdy: For 2 points I nominate SHOALFOOT because it ain't fair that she got a trip to Tokyo! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: PURDY 7 AQUASPLASH 6 MILLIE 5 Cinderpelt 4 Jayfeather 4 Darkstripe 3 Scarletpaw 3 Shoalfoot 2 Thrushpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Sorreltail 0 Willowpelt 0 Big Brother: Darkstripe, to the chamber (Darkstripe enters) Darkstripe: 4 to Sorreltail. Big Brother: But I need to ask you to nominate first! D: Darkstripe: (rolls eyes) Fine! Big Brother: DON'T YOU ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME, DARKSTRIPE JONES!!!! Darkstripe: What the heck? o.O Big Brother: Nominate now. Darkstripe: 4 to SORRELTAIL. Big Brother: Accepted. One left. Big Brother: One to WILLOWPELT for being related to Sorreltail. Willowpelt: HEY! I HEARD THAT YOU AVOCADO LEMON SPLASHCLOUD! Big Brother: What- DARKSTRIPE! Darkstripe: What? D: Big Brother: WHY DIDN'T YOU SHUT THE DOOR!? Darkstripe: I DID! (pushes door) see? Big Brother: HOW CAN WILLOWPELT HEAR THROUGH SOUND-PROOF WALLS!? Willowpelt: CAUSE YOU'RE A COW! Big Brother: Mooooooooooo! I like to eat grass and have four stomachs. Darkstripe: How does she do that? Table: PURDY 7 AQUASPLASH 6 MILLIE 5 Cinderpelt 4 Jayfeather 4 Sorreltail 4 Darkstripe 3 Scarletpaw 3 Shoalfoot 2 Thrushpelt 1 Willowpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Big Brother: Willowpelt, to the chamber (Willowpelt enters) Big Brother: Willowpelt, nominate now. Willowpelt: I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY! Big Brother: What? Willowpelt: GANACHE FILLED GANACHE WITH GANACHE! Big Brother: O...kay. Now nominate. Willowpelt: FOUR POINTS TO PURDY FOR BEING ANTI-CRAZY Big Brother: Accepted. One left. Willowpelt: ONE TO DARKSTRIPE FOR NOMINATING ME! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: PURDY 11 AQUASPLASH 6 MILLIE 5 Cinderpelt 4 Darkstripe 4 Jayfeather 4 Sorreltail 4 Scarletpaw 3 Shoalfoot 2 Thrushpelt 1 Willowpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Big Brother: Thrushpelt, to the chamber (Thrushpelt enters) Big Brother: Nominate now. Thrushpelt: For 3 points I nominate MILLIE for being terrifying and liking prawns too much. Big Brother: Accepted. You have 2 points left. Thrushpelt: 2 to WILLOWPELT cause she's insane. Big Brother: Accepted! Table: PURDY 11 MILLIE 8 AQUASPLASH 6 Cinderpelt 4 Darkstripe 4 Jayfeather 4 Sorreltail 4 Scarletpaw 3 Willowpelt 3 Shoalfoot 2 Thrushpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Big Brother: Scarletpaw, to the chamber (Scarletpaw enters) Big Brother: Nominate now. Scarletpaw: 4 to PURDY cause he too quiet D: Big Brother: Accepted. Scarletpaw: 1 to CINDERPELT for abusing my scone! Big Brother: Accepted. Table: PURDY 15 MILLIE 8 AQUASPLASH 6 Cinderpelt 5 Darkstripe 4 Jayfeather 4 Sorreltail 4 Scarletpaw 3 Willowpelt 3 Shoalfoot 2 Thrushpelt 1 Brightheart 0 Big Brother: And finally, Brightheart, to the chamber (Brightheart enters) Big Brother: Nominate now. Brightheart: 3 to JAYFEATHER as pure strategy. He gets sympathy votes D: Big Brother: Accepted. Brightheart: 2 to THRUSHPELT cause I don't like him. Big Brother: Accepted. Nominations are over. All housemates to the lounge. FINAL TABLE: PURDY 15 MILLIE 8 JAYFEATHER 7 Aquasplash 6 Cinderpelt 5 Darkstripe 4 Sorreltail 4 Scarletpaw 3 Thrushpelt 3 Willowpelt 3 Shoalfoot 2 Brightheart 0 (in the lounge) Big Brother: Housemates, as you know Millie had the superpower. She chose to take a leave pass instead of using her superpower. Purdy: LOLFAIL! Millie: D: Big Brother: I will now reveal the cats nominated and the number of points they received. On 15 points, PURDY. Millie: LOLFAIL! Purdy: D: Big Brothr: On 8 points, MILLIE. Millie: NUUUUUU! Purdy: (opens moutht to say LOLFAIL) Millie: Don't you dare! Purdy: (shuts mouth) Big Brother: And on 7 points, JAYFEATHER. Jayfeather: GRUMPEH GRUMP??? Big Brother: Purdy, Millie, Jayfeather, at the end of the week, one of you WILL be evicted. That is al..