| - The Tree Keeholo has 5 levels, and it is home to many creatures, some of which can be quite deadly. Fortunately, none of the mobs aggro in this area. It is also the location of one of the five dungeons of this island. Finally, you can find Otomai on its top floor. There are currently four known ways to reach the tree.
* By foot: The tree is in the middle of the Dark Jungle and the stairs are located on [-53,17].
* Scaraleaf Transport: There's four of them, and to use one of them, you need to complete the quest its pilot gives you. Once you've unlocked one of the three ground level transport, you can easily reach Canopy Village, which is on level 3.
* Imp Carrier: it will bring you to the top level of the tree. But to use the Imp Carrier to get there, you need to have completed The New World and Castaway Island (quest) quests.
* Zaaps: There's one zaap in Canopy Village (third floor) at [-54,16]. There's another zaap in the Zoth Village (top floor) at [-53,18], for which you have to be aligned to use it and your alignment must control it. Prisms: Dont forget you can also enter through prism if aligned!