| - I stood squarely in front of the mirror, and my figure was reflected in its cloudless surface. A petite girl stood in the mirror. Her familiar childlike face and small body were my own. Her long hair was gathered into pigtails, one bunch on each side.
I don't mean to boast, but I was fairly pleased with my looks. Big, blue eyes and a small mouth. I worried that my nose was a bit flat, but taken as a whole I thought it achieved a certain balance. My long hair I groomed carefully every day without fail, and thanks to that it flowed silkily through my fingers when I ran a hand through it. On the whole, while I might not be able to call myself a beauty due to the strong childlike impression I gave off, I thought that I could say I was plenty cute, although I might be biased in my own favor.
"But," a dissatisfied grumble escaped my lips. The face in the mirror reflected my thoughts, knitting its brows in a downcast frown. I understood the cause of that dissatisfaction only too well.
My body was extremely slow to mature compared to other girls my age. No, it would be more accurate to say that past a certain age I hadn't matured at all. I was poor in curves and small in stature. My body looked as if it could be lifted and carried easily by most adults and not at all like that of a girl who would turning seventeen this year. Subtract seven from that age and I could still probably pass.
- Reflected in the mirror's glassy surface was a girl with a childish figure. Her familiar features and petite frame were my own. The only definite difference lay in the grotesque abnormality of her appearance. The girl in the mirror had a pair of rough, bony horns growing from the top of her head, and her hands and feet were those of a beast, covered in light-brown fur — her appearance was unmistakably that of a monster. I was looking at a little monster being embraced by a demon woman. It was an uncanny scene, like a painting of a fall from grace.