| - The Paragus-class Fuel Hauler was a ship produced by the Mikaru Corporation. Essentially a large hollow rectangle, with crew quarters, hangers, and the bridge at the front. And the engine room and other components at the rear, with two access corridors running the sides of the ship connecting them. Inside this hollow section, went four 1,538,6003 cubic meter containers designed to contain liquids and fuels.
| - The Paragus-class Fuel Hauler was a ship produced by the Mikaru Corporation. Essentially a large hollow rectangle, with crew quarters, hangers, and the bridge at the front. And the engine room and other components at the rear, with two access corridors running the sides of the ship connecting them. Inside this hollow section, went four 1,538,6003 cubic meter containers designed to contain liquids and fuels. These containers were armored, capable of taking several high powered turbolaser blasts before rupturing, and resistant to the heat of reentry. With all four containers a Paragus could carry 6,154,4003 meters of fuel, or liquids. An optional package, that replaced the four containers with a single, but equal sized cargo hold, cost 10,000 credits. This cargo hold, had 4 blast doors two on the top and two on the bottom, for cargo transfer. and allowed for more various forms of cargo to be transfered. For propulsion, two ion drives propelled the Paragus through space at a top speed of 60mglt with a decent rate of maneuverability. For defense, the Paragus was armed with 6 dual laser cannons, while not enough to take care of a pirate capital ship, it could easily go head to head with the standard pirate vessel or fighters. And additionally, along the sides of the ship, were transponders, as well as transponders on the containers that could not be removed. This allowed the ship to be tracked as well as its cargo. And finally, at the front of the ship, there were two hanger bays, that could hold two small craft, such as shuttles or starfighters. Normally the crew of a Paragus would hire two freelance starfighter pilots to help defend the ship and its cargo. The Paragus sold for 80,000 credits, the cargo version sold for 90,000 credits, and eventually, for 300,000 a customer could purchase a Paragus, and two Star Fury-class starfighters. At least two Paragus-class haulers were modified to carry missiles in their cargo hold. They were used during Operation Joint Strike to bomb an Imperial Shipyard with 2,051,466 missiles each.