| - Thatch is a block that can be crafted from dirt and wheat that is used as a building block. It can also be crafted into stairs and slabs, as well as into flooring (see image below). It is most commonly used as the material for roofs in generated . It is therefore quite easy to craft/obtain.
- Thatch adalah orang yang tinggi dengan rambut cokelat, dan mempunyai jenggot hitam yang menyerupai jenggot kambing. Dia juga mempunyai luka di sebelah mata kirinya, mengingatkan kita pada Monkey D. Garp.
- In the Movie: Casper's Scare School (2006)
- Thatch was the commander of the 4th division of the Whitebeard Pirates, until he was murdered by Marshall D. Teach.
- Thatch war der Kommandant der vierten Division der Shirohige-Piratenbande. Er wurde von Kurohige getötet, als er die Yami Yami no Mi fand, die Kurohige unter allen Umständen besitzen wollte. Er und Marco waren die ersten, die mit Ace Freundschaft schließen wollten, nachdem Ace und seine Mannschaft von Shirohige besiegt und in die eigene Bande aufgenommen wurden.
- thumb|left|101px|Apariencia inicial de Thatch en el animeThatch era un hombre alto de pelo rubio en tupé y barba perilla negra. Destacaba una cicatriz alrededor de su ojo izquierdo y a menudo vestía con un uniforme elegante, de pantalones largos de becerro y cinturón negro, además de una camisa blanca o azul (varía en sus diferentes apariciones en el anime). Inicialmente tenia pelo rubio en punta hacia adelante, pero posteriormente fue reemplazado por un prominente copete color castaño (tanto en el anime como en el manga). Usaba un pañuelo blanco al cuello y una espada a la cintura.
- Alias No information Origin No information Occupation No information Powers/Skills No information Hobby No information Goals No information Type of Villain No information Thatch is the school bully at Capser's Scare School who is a vampire, mainly an antagonist in the film. He says he is, and seems to be popular, but a jerk instead, as he is conniving, selfish and mean. He is always looking for things to exploit and use to his advantage. His gang usually includes Slither, Dummy Girl, Mosshead and Harpy.