| - It was a serious time for TWOStars. No fun...all serious. Two men; just two, simple, average men set out to change this. Randy `Rudie` Roko, and Angus McDonald, were two different men who just happened to be moving through the TWOstars training academy at the same time. Although a friendship was sparked, with Angus graduating before Randy neither man really thought any more of it... and when both debuted as single's superstars, who could blame them.
| - It was a serious time for TWOStars. No fun...all serious. Two men; just two, simple, average men set out to change this. Randy `Rudie` Roko, and Angus McDonald, were two different men who just happened to be moving through the TWOstars training academy at the same time. Although a friendship was sparked, with Angus graduating before Randy neither man really thought any more of it... and when both debuted as single's superstars, who could blame them. Randy was a pirate, a relative of the pirates that sailed the seas before dodo's became extinct, but he was also a wrestler. Many people did not bother to take him seriously, but the ones that didn't paid for it - and in his first match he won via his finisher, the R'NR. He was fun, he was fresh, he was...new. The fans liked him, the kids especially, and he had the talent to back it up. He went on to meet back up with Angus McDonald, and the two got to talking. Coming together, finding that spark that they shared in their training, they stretched out the hand of friendship to a third member of the roster; Willard`The Immortal` who in turn, decided to talk with them. This was the begginning of an era...an Immortal era.