| - Sometimes a gamer plays a new game only to find the level of challenge is less than what he expected - sometimes considerably so. To some gamers, this shall not stand! Video Games are about overcoming challenge! Without challenge, a game is little more than a pointless exercise. Of course, there is nothing inherently wrong with an "easy" game. Some people prefer them that way. Further, depending on the individual, the genre and the game playing setting, the reasons for gaming vary greatly from "overcoming challenge for a sense of accomplishment" to "distracting one from the mundane minutia of life" and everything in between. This trope is the reaction fans have when a game, particularly one from a franchise known for challenging games, presents itself as less challenging than its predecessors or than what one would normally expect from games of a similar genre. This is not a page to complain about easy games. Only add examples where the sentiment has been expressed by reviewers or a sizable number of fans when comparing a game to previous installments in a franchise or similar games of that genre. Be aware with adding examples where people mention about how once they found a Game Breaker, learned to exploit a Good Bad Bug, caught the hang of it, learned the way the game mechanics worked, then that they found the game trivial afterwards. Many of those examples can be attributed to merely being Genre Savvy. It's also rather weird when people complain about features in a game that make it easier and said features are actually completely optional. You'll notice several examples are about features in-game that you don't have to use. This type of complaint can happen if the game's predecessor was more difficult. This also becomes incredibly annoying about developers if people complained about the previous game was too hard, or if it was hard but for all the wrong reasons. It really makes for the perpetual Unpleasable Fanbase. It's Short, So It Sucks is a Sister Trope, with several points overlapping with this. The opposite is It's Hard, So It Sucks. Also see They Changed It, Now It Sucks. When people try to force the way they play the game (which generally has to do with difficulty) onto other people, you have a Scrub or a "Stop Having Fun" Guy. When you have both It's Easy, so It Sucks and It's Hard, So It Sucks, you wind up with an Unpleasable Fanbase. Examples of It's Easy, So It Sucks include: