| - "I will make a pleasant show, but that old goat had better watch his step."
- "Is this expected behavior of a lord bannerman, Ser Danner? Murder and treachery?"
- "I did not provoke this quarrel, Ser Upcliff!"
- "Lord Hargest is a sour old rotter, but you're better off putting your anger aside. He's been known to kill over the slightest provocation."
- "Lord Hargest has his uses, and Daenerys Stormborn needs all the bannermen she can get. Keep the peace, do your duty and apologize."
- "Lord Hargest is a proud and cruel man. No doubt he resents your swift rise in our estimation; the bannermen already see you as an equal."
- "His wounded pride ends where the skins of my knights begin, he must remember that."
- "So I'm to let my men be killed? What have I done to deserve this?"
- "My [Your Character], find peace with Lord Hargest. With our true queen in exile, we cannot afford bad blood between any of the loyal houses."
- "Very well, my armsmen will stand down, and so shall Lord Hargest's men."