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| - Cole does smoke one cigarette a week maybe two if the week had been stressful.
Cole loves his heavy metal and rock music but doesn't mind gothic techno or meaningful hip hop.
| - S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier, Xavier School, Utopia Island
| - Energy discharge from eyes when using powers at limit, tattoos and afew scars, Laintium spine.
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| - Cale along with his twin sister were born in the year 4250 . Both were born into a mysterious organization known as The Syndicate, this group of like minded humans, mutants and aliens fight behind the shadows of their own parent groups, countries or empires to ensure freedom reigns and tyranny is destroyed by almost any means. When Cale and his sister Jennifer were 14 they unleashed their powers. The cause of their powers manifesting was a brutal attack from Anti-Mutant extremists, during the attack Jen lost her unborn baby and her human boyfriend . Cole in a fit of rage unleashed his powers first and tore the attacks to pieces and stood at their corpses dripping in blood.
After years of training with their powers and in various abilities such as martial arts, assassination, recon etc. They went off to find someone to fight with. After many decades and many banners to fight under the two joined the X-Men as instructors at The Jean Grey Academy for Gifted Youngsters, Cole under the alias of Infamous taught combat along with fellow Syndicate member Wolverine, History and Music. He also headed the 3rd year dorms and gained the alias among those students as "The White Demon" after seeming him repel an attack from Anti-Human extremists known as The MLFI . His sister taught English, Science and Drama, while Cole was feared by many student and respected by more he did strike up a big brother relationship with Kitty Abigale Pryde a 3rd year student who was known as Shadowcat. This relationship gained notification after Kitty became pregnant, While the father was anti-social towards her and other he remained loyal and protected her always and constantly checked up on her if he didn't see her for a long time. He even adopted her after her parent died in a mutant dawn attack. so she could at least feel she was still part of a family.
After Kitty's baby boy was born he became the god-father and inducted Kitty into the Syndicate along with the baby's father and the human battery Hyper-Charge. After the induction ceremony he got called away with his sister and wolverine to launch a raid on a Freedom for Humanity base located in the Rockies. The goal of this raid was to free a Mutant thief known as Wild Card . During the raid Cole was blown off a cliff and presumed dead but was actually in a deep meditative trance that allowed him to recover both physically and mentally. After spending a year missing he returned, Much to the surprise of his sister, Kitty and Psylocke who of which hugged him first. After catching up with recent news and events he returned to his everyday activities such as training from dawn to when classes start and doing what he does best.....Fighting.
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| - Jeniffer Pierce AKA Celestial , unnamed mother and father, Abigale Hawker , Liz Braddock-Pierce AKA Psylocke , Richard Yun Pierce , Katherine "Kitty" Peirce AKA Shadowcat , Axel Peirce
Blue Origin
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| - S.H.I.E.L.D , X-Men , The Syndicate
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| - University, college and high school graduate
| - Sometimes uses S.H.I.E.L.D transports or the X-Men Blackbird
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| - White Demon, Ghost Knight, White Dragon & Divine Beast
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| - Throwing knives and a telescopic adamantium bo staff.
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| - American, Taiwanese, British and Canadian
| - *Hydrophobia : When Cole was young he developed hydrophobia from nearly drowning as a young boy. He got over the fear during his Syndicate training where he was submerged in water and could only get out if he relaxed and beat the fear that held him back.
*Bio-energy disruption: While is it rare to encounter anything that cna disrupt his Bio-Energy powers it is a problematic weakness. It renders his Bio-Energy based powers useless so he is forced to rely on his skills and Surge more.
*Immensely high powered psychics: While immune to most psychic probing and mind control Incredibly powerful psychics can cause him problems.
*Decapitation : While this weakness was more present before he got his metal spine. After he gained it the weakness has all but vanished.
*Mental Disability: When Cole was 14-15 he was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome which effected his social abilities as well as learning but while the Autism will never go away he has learned to control it and use it for his benefit. The way his mind is wired causes more problems for telepaths if they get past his natural psychic defenses.
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| - *Cole owns a 2069 Dodge Challenger which he has never driven as the car scares him to death for unknown reasons
*Cole hates 3 kinds of people; Anti-Mutant militia, Anti-Human militia and Mutant Extremists as they mostly go against his moral code and finds them highly annoying. He has no real issue with tearing them limb from limb
*Cole is also very witty and sarcastic at times making quick one liners and joking comments to his friends and enemies to either entertain or annoy , He also plays pranks on either his friends on enemies either with his powers or classic gags.
*Cole is very close to Wolverine, Nomad, Psylocke and the young mutants he trains. With Wolverine and Nomad he is considered by many to be rivals but only says Nomad is his rival and will spar with him nearly daily to prove who's better, while with Wolverine he is respectful and normally talks to him about combat, tactics and sometimes women. His relationship with Psylocke is more of a one sided crush it seems. However when they started dating this relationship came to light. He is also very close to Shadowcat up to the point where he adopted her as his daughter when her parents died.
*With Martial Arts Cole uses a style he invented called Shooting Star Kempo it is a blend of all his martial arts into one style with a basis in Jeet Kune Do and uses the main aspects of the styles like Jeet Kune Do's adaptability, Boxing's agility, Tae-Kwon-Do's dynamic kicking abilities and Capoeria's grace along with his natural cockiness.
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| - Super-spy, Adventurer, Soldier and Pilot
| - *Combat Armor: Similar to his rival Nomad's but is a Recon & Assault Combat Nano-tech armor MK6. This suit has a chameleon function that allows him to blend in with his surroundings and has built in sensors, a holo computer mounted in the right bracer. on top of the power adaptation abilities that all the Nano-tech combat armors have. The main purpose for this suit is to provide close recon then if need a hard and fast assault. The common look for this suit is a long black "leather" Cossack jacket with no sleeves and the Syndicate emblem on the corners of the collar and back . Like all the Syndicate Nano-Tech armor it has a social camo mode and is mentally controlled
*Vibranium & Steel alloy Bracers and Greaves: These are made of the same alloy as Captain America's Shield. however the elbow and knee protection for each of these are made from shatterproof polymer laid over a thin layer of the same alloy.
*Liantium spine: After being seriously injured during his Syndicate training his spine was fused with anew light weight version of Adamantium called Liantium, while Liantium is as strong as Adamantium it is much lighter. After a few years the metal fused with his bone on a molecular level effectively turning his spine into a semi-organic version of the metal allowing it to grow as his spine would normally do.
*Utility Belt: This belt is adamantium laced and stores his tracking devices, As well as various tech.
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| - Before becoming the Agent and Mutant Adventurer he is now
| - ((This is currently a WIP))