| - Sheldon Lee Cooper is the main protagonist and antagonist of CBS' hit sitcom The Big Bang Theory. He was played by Jim Parsons.
- Cooper appears in "Business Guy" in an episode of The Big Bang Theory, with Parsons reprising his role. Brian uses Sheldon's catchphrase of "bazinga!" in "Our Idiot Brian". Peter acknowledges that it came from the "gay scientist on TV."
- Sheldon was born in a Walmart in Galveston, Texas to George Cooper Sr. and Mary Cooper, and was officiated at the Lawrence Memorial Hospital, although he actually "fell out" of Mary at a K-mart in 1980. He has a twin sister named Missy and an older brother named George Jr., both described by their mother to be "dumb as soup." Sheldon was raised according to his mother's Evangelical Christian beliefs, e.g., learning how to pray and becoming the co-captain of the East Texan Christian Youth Holy Roller Bowling League Championship team, seven-to-twelve year-old division. Meanwhile, he was forced to watch football by his father.
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